Gas Chromatograph Interface Program User Manual (for ROC800-Series)
8 Introduction Revised October-2016
checked for errors. The program does not copy gas analysis data to
the station if errors are present.
If Bypass Alarm 2 (Point 65, Parameter 12) is disabled, the Alarm
Flag 2 (Point 66, Parameter 19, bits 0, 1, 2 & 3) from the GC is
checked for errors. The program does not copy gas analysis data to
the station if errors are present.
The Calibration Flag (Point 66, Parameter 20) is checked to ensure it
is in the Analysis State. The program does not copy gas analysis
data to the station if the Calibration Flag is not in the Analysis State.
The Starting Sample Minute (Point 66, Parameter 17) must be
different than the previous or the program does not copy gas
analysis data to the station.
The Starting Sample Minute (Point 66, Parameter 17) and Ending
Sample Minute (Point 66, Parameter 16) in the poll must match or
the program does not copy gas analysis data to the station.
The current Stream Number (Point 66, Parameter 2) must be
assigned to a station and have a license key.
The Total Un-Normalized Mole % (Point 66, Parameter 9) must be
within plus or minus Total Mole % Deviation (Point 65, Parameter
14) of 100%. The program does not copy gas analysis data to the
station if the value is outside of this limit.
The Mole Sum (Point 66, Parameter 21) must be within plus or
minus Total Mole % Deviation (Point 65, Parameter 14) of 100%.
The program does not copy gas analysis data to the station if the
value is outside of this limit.
The Heating Value [Point 66, Parameter 4 (dry) or 5 (wet)] must be
between the Heating Value Low Limit (Point 65, Parameter 9) and
Heating Value High Limit (Point 65, Parameter 10) set on the GC
Config screen. The program does not copy gas analysis data to the
station if the value is outside of these limits.
Note: Unless you enable the HV Limits on the GC Stream Data
screen, the program uses the Heating Value limits on the GC
Config screen as the global limits for all streams in the GC.
If you enable HV Limits (Point 66, Parameter 90) on the GC Stream
Data screen, the program checks that the Stream Heating Value is
between the BTU Low Limit (Point 66, Parameter 91) and BTU
High Limit (Point 66 Parameter 92) values. If this value is outside of
these limits, the program does not copy gas analysis data to the