PIG® HazMat Big Daddy Spill Caddy
KIT822 Absorbs up to 47.7 gal., Absorbs Acids;
Bases; Unknowns
Supersized, one-stop spill response in a high-
visibility, mobile spill kit; swing-out doors and flip-
top lid gives easy access to the chemical spill
response supplies in this gigantic wheeled cart.
Respond to large spills or use as a highly
visible central station for absorbents and spill
Doors and lid open for full access; prepacked
and thoughtfully designed so you can find what
you’re looking for without digging or dumping kit
Cart is almost 3X larger and contents absorb
over 3X more than our original HazMat Spill Kit
in Cart
8" rear wheels roll easily over uneven surfaces;
front swivel casters let you pivot cart and move
from a resting position without tipping it back
Holds a mounted PIG HazMat Roll for easy
pull-and-tear dispensing; also contains PIG
HazMat Chemical Absorbent Socks, Pads,
Loose Absorbent and PIG PolyPro Wipers for
fast cleanup
Included PPE guards responders against
Lockable cart features adjustable shelves and
built-in door pocket for documents and
29.75" width fits through aisles and most
Note: Not for outdoor storage- For information on custom spill kits, just call 1-
800-HOT-HOGS (468-4647)
Spill Kit dimensions are approximate-
Wheels Included Yes
Container Type Cart
Fluid Absorbed Acids; Bases; Unknowns
Color Hi-Viz Yellow
Dimensions 29.75" W x 27.5" D x 50.25" H
Absorbency Up to 47.7 gal.