Table 1–1. Sysgen command descriptions
Command Description
COMMANDS Displays the Sysgen Command menu. You can enter a
command without displaying the Sysgen Command menu.
BOOT Boots the operating system. Enter this command after
completing a sysgen.
SYSGEN Builds a new operating system on the system disk from a
system software tape or from system software tape files
downloaded from a host computer. Requires more
interaction than AUTO.
FORMAT Formats any or all of the system disk and performs a sector
check. Destroys all files on the system disks, including user
files. Do not use this command unless your OSS program
specifically calls for FORMAT, or unless read errors or other
disk problems occur (refer to ERASE). You may not invoke
FORMAT following a boot from disk (BD).
HOSTCOPY Downloads font files, patch files, and user-generated
EBCDIC data files from a host computer to the system disks.
Allows an online printing system with no magnetic tape drive
to retrieve tape files from the host. For more information,
see the “Downloading host files” chapter in this guide.
AUTO Builds a new operating system on the system disks from a
system software tape (SST) and updates all system files.
Requires less interaction than SYSGEN. Automatically
invokes a standard sequence of sysgen commands. Differs
from SYSGEN in the following ways:
• Builds from a tape or floppy disk only
• Does not ask for a configuration update
• Saves the accounting file automatically.
MINI Modifies configuration file according to options you select
from on the Configuration Options menu (see table 1-2).
Make sure you only change options that are from a previous
sysgen. For example, you can deactivate or reactivate an
option or change an interface address using MINI.
CAUTION: Do not execute MINI immediately following
completion of a SYSGEN command. This prevents the
application of patches.
FLOPPY Builds a new operating system on the system disks from the
system software floppy disks and updates all system files.
ERASE Clears any or all of the system disks. Destroys all files on the
disks, including user files. ERASE executes more quickly than
FORMAT because it only initializes the filing structure; it
does not perform a format or sector check. Erase cannot be
evoked following a boot from the disk (BD).
APA2 Allows changes for power-up defaults. Enables or disables
the auto boot APA2 feature, selects the level of APA2 board
diagnostics at power–on, and enables or disables display of
messages at power-on.