Create a Cluster with an Available Distribution with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on
page 19
You can choose which Hadoop distribution to use when you deploy a cluster. If you do not specify a
Hadoop distribution, the resulting cluster includes the default distribution, Apache Hadoop.
Create a Hadoop Cluster with Assigned Resources with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on
page 20
By default, when you use Serengeti to deploy a Hadoop cluster, the cluster might contain any or all
available resources: vCenter Server resource pool for the virtual machine's CPU and memory,
datastores for the virtual machine's storage, and a network. You can assign which resources the cluster
uses by specifying specific resource pools, datastores, and/or a network when you create the Hadoop
Create a Cluster with Multiple Networks with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on page 21
When you create a cluster, you can distribute the management, HDFS, and MapReduce traffic to
separate networks. You might want to use separate networks to improve performance or to isolate
traffic for security reasons.
Create a MapReduce v2 (YARN) Cluster with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on page 21
You can create MapReduce v2 (YARN) cluster with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface.
Create a Customized Hadoop or HBase Cluster with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on
page 22
You can create clusters that are customized for your requirements, including the number of nodes,
virtual machine RAM and disk size, the number of CPUs, and so on.
Create a Hadoop Cluster with Any Number of Master, Worker, and Client Nodes on page 23
You can create a Hadoop cluster with any number of master, worker, and client nodes.
Create a Data-Compute Separated Cluster with No Node Placement Constraints on page 24
You can create a cluster with separate data and compute nodes, without node placement constraints.
Create a Data-Compute Separated Cluster with Placement Policy Constraints on page 25
You can create a cluster with separate data and compute nodes, and define placement policy
constraints to distribute the nodes among the virtual machines as you want.
Create a Compute-Only Cluster with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on page 27
You can create compute-only clusters to run MapReduce jobs on existing HDFS clusters, including
storage solutions that serve as an external HDFS.
Create a Basic Cluster with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on page 29
You can create a basic cluster in your Serengeti environment. A basic cluster is a group of virtual
machines provisioned and managed by Serengeti. Serengeti helps you to plan and provision the
virtual machines to your specifications. You can use the basic cluster's virtual machines to install Big
Data applications.
About Cluster Topology on page 31
You can improve workload balance across your cluster nodes, and improve performance and
throughput, by specifying how Hadoop virtual machines are placed using topology awareness. For
example, you can have separate data and compute nodes, and improve performance and throughput
by placing the nodes on the same set of physical hosts.
Create a Cluster with Topology Awareness with the Serengeti Command-Line Interface on page 33
To achieve a balanced workload or to improve performance and throughput, you can control how
Hadoop virtual machines are placed by adding topology awareness to the Hadoop clusters. For
example, you can have separate data and compute nodes, and improve performance and throughput
by placing the nodes on the same set of physical hosts.
VMware vSphere Big Data Extensions Command-Line Interface Guide
16 VMware, Inc.