090.030 O (MAR 11)
Page 6
Touch Screen Calibration
As the SIP comes from the factory, calibration has
already been performed, and as such, should not be
needed. However, it is possible that from time to
time, re-calibration may be warranted. Especially if
when touching the screen, the cursor that normally
appears at the point of touching, is now offset some
distance from the touch point, or if the cursor is
against the edge of the screen, and does not move
when the screen is touched, then calibration should
be performed.
If calibration is necessary, perform the following
1. Power the SIP off then turn back on.
2. A series of screens will appear, giving in-
formation about the boot sequence. Ignore
these screens, and wait until the screen
turns entirely light blue, a few seconds later,
it will turn a darker blue. Next it will turn
black, and a rectangular blue box will appear
on the screen, with the words “Tap display
to calibrate screen”. This entire boot pro-
cess will take several minutes.
3. Once the blue box appears, you will have
three seconds to tap the display and enter
the calibration mode, otherwise, the unit
fi nishes its boot sequence, and the oppor-
tunity to calibrate has passed. Calibration
may be restarted by pressing the Calibration
text in the navigation bar at the top of the
4. After tapping the display as prompted, a
blue screen will appear, with the following
symbol in the bottom left quadrant of the
5. Press and hold the very center of this circle
(in the crosshair). While touching the center,
each of the four quadrants of the circle will
fi ll in counter-clockwise with blue. Continue
pressing until the last quadrant has been
fi lled, the circle will move to the lower right
side of the screen.
6. The process repeats for the upper right and
upper left quadrants also.
7. After the four quadrants of the screen have
been touched, the screen is now calibrated,
and the unit will automatically fi nish the
boot process.
NOTE: Some versions of the SIP have required a fi rm
touch, while others have required a lighter touch.
When calibrating, this lighter touch occasionally re-
sulted in the software sensing a double touch, which
ultimately caused the overall calibration to be inaccu-
rate. If, for any reason, after completing the calibra-
tion, the cursor still does not appear where it should
be, the calibration will need to be repeated. In rare
instances, the cursor may end up in a position where
it is near the very edge of the touch screen, and can-
not be moved by fi nger touch. To correct for this, a
computer mouse may be used, as the mouse will take
over control of the cursor, and the cursor can then be
maneuvered back into the touch area. If a mouse is
required to move the cursor, the mouse must be con-
nected before booting the unit.
Open the SIP box, and look at the underside of the back of
the SIP. The mouse connecter is green.
Proper calibration is very important to effi cient screen op-
eration, especially when utilizing the on-screen keyboard.
If the touch screen is the slightest bit out of a calibra-
tion, it can mean that the area being touched is actually
being applied somewhere else, which can translate into
the wrong button keyboard button being sensed, or the
wrong setpoint area detected.