NAMRON 70110005 User manual

  • Hello! I've analyzed the user manual for the NAMRON Smart Plug 70110005. This smart plug uses the Zigbee protocol, supports remote control, and has features such as temperature measurement, overcurrent protection, and power metering. I’m here to help with your questions based on the information in this document.
  • How do I add the smart plug to a Zigbee network?
    How do I perform a factory reset manually?
    What does the LED indicator mean when it flashes red slowly?
    What is the maximum number of Zigbee green power switches that can be paired with the device?
Important: Read All Instructions P rior to Installation
Pro du c t Data
3. Z igbee Network Pairing through C oordinator o r Hu b ( Added to a Zigbee Network)
4. T o u c hLin k to a Zigbee Remo te
< 10cm
Note: 1 ) Di rec tly To u c hLin k ( both n ot added to a Z igBee n etwork), eac h d evic e c an l ink with 1 r emote.
4 ) After Tou c hLin k, the devic e c an b e c ontrolled b y the l inked remotes .
2 ) Touc hL ink after b oth added to a Z igBee n etwork, eac h d evic e c an l ink with m ax. 3 0 remo tes .
3 ) To c ontrol b y both g ateway and remote, add r emote and d evic e to n etwork firs t then T ouc hL ink.
AC P ower
S tep 1 : Remove the device from previous z igbee network if it ha s a lrea dy been a dded to, otherwise pa iring will
fail. Plea se refer to the part " F ac to ry Res et Manu all y".
S tep 2 : From your ZigBee Controller or hub interfa ce, choose to add lighting device and enter P airing mode a s
instructed by the controller.
S tep 3 : S hort press “Program” button 5 times continuously to set the device to network pa iring mode, LED
indica tor will fla sh white fast.
S tep 1 : Short press “P rog” button 4 times ( Or re- power on the device 4 times) to sta rt Touchlink commissioning,
180S timeout. Once timeout, repeat the operation.
S tep 2 : Bring the remote or touch panel within 10cm of the lighting device.
S tep 3 : S et the remote or touch pa nel into Touchlink commissioning,
please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel manual to learn how.
Step 4: LED indicator will fla sh white 6 times to
indicate successful pairing. LED indicator will
mainta in the status before entering into network
pairing mode if pa iring fa ils.
S tep 4: There shall be indication
on the remote for successful link
and LE D indica tor of the plug will
flash white twice.
Func tion i ntrodu c tio n
LED indicator
Input Voltage
Device ID
Radio Frequency
Relative humidity
Over Current Protection
Operating temperature
Ma x. Loa d
Zigbee profile
8% to 80%
AC200-240V, 50/60Hz
2.4G Hz
0x000A(Plug-in Unit)
0 to 40°C
Program button,
short press to
switch on/off loa d
Load power > 2200W
Load power 1501-2000W
Firmware upda ting via OTA
Load switched off
Load power <= 1000W
Load power 2001-2200W
Definition (16.1A Over Current)
Load power 1001-1500W
Over current
Stays solid ora nge
Flashes red slowly
Flashes purple slowly
Stays solid cya n
Stays solid blue
LED Indica tor S tate
Stays solid white a t a low brightness
Stays solid green
Stays solid yellow
Z igBee sma rt plug ba sed on la test ZigBee 3.0 protocol
S upports find and bind mode to bind a Z igBee remote
Supports zigbee green power and can bind max. 20 zigbee green power switches
Supports temperature measurement
S upports over current protection a nd power metering, ena bles to report power consumption to gatewa y
ZigBee end device that supports Touchlink commissioning
Waterproof gra de: IP 20
E nables to control ON/OF F o f the loa d, supports max. 16 scenes
2.This Z igB ee d evi c e i s a w ireles s r ec eiver th at c ommun ic ates w ith a v ariety o f ZigB ee c ompatible
s ys tems . T h is r ec eiver receives a nd i s c on trolled b y wireles s r adio s ignal s f ro m the c o mpatibl e Z igB ee
s ys tem.
1 .Plu g the s mart plu g i nto AC p o wer s ource.
DO NOT expose the device to moisture.
DO NOT install with power applied to device.
S afety & Warn ings
6. F actory R es et Manu ally
S tep 1 : Short press the “progra m” button 5 times continuously, the plug will enter into network pairing mode.
8. F ind and B ind Mode
S tep 1 : Short press “P rog.” button 3 times to sta rt Find a nd Bind mode (LE D indica tor fla shes white slowly) to
find and bind target node, 180 seconds timeout, repea t the opera tion.
S tep 2 : Set the remote or touch pa nel (ta rget node) i nto find a nd bind mode, and enable it
to find and bind initiator, please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel ma nual.
S tep 3 : There shall be indication on the remote or touch pa nel that it bind the device
successfully a nd can control it then.
< 10cm
S tep 1 : Re-power on the device to start TouchLink Commissioning, 180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
7 . F actory R es et through a Zigbee Remote ( Tou c h R es et)
Note: Make sure the device already a dded to a n etwork, the remote added to the same one or not added to any
S tep 2 : Bring the remote or touch pa nel within 10cm of the lighting device.
S tep 3 : S et the remote or touch pa nel into Touch R eset procedure to reset the
device, please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel manual to learn how.
S tep 2 : LED indica tor will flash white
fast and the plug will try to join a
Zigbee network.
9. L earning to a Z igbee G reen P ower S witc h
S tep 2 : Set the green power
switch into Learning mode,
plea se refer to its ma nual.
Green P ower
S tep 3 : LED indicator will
flash twice to indica te
successful learning. Then
the switch ca n control the
S tep 1 : Short press “P rogra m” button 4 times to start Learning to GP switch mode ( LED indica tor flashes twice) ,
180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
Note: E ac h d evic e c an l earn to
max. 2 0 zigbee green p o wer s witc h es .
10. Delete Learning to a Zigbee Green Power Switch
S tep 2 : S et the pa ired green power switch into
Learning mode, plea se refer to its ma nual.
Green P ower
S tep 3 : LED indicator will
flash 4 times to indicate
successful deleting.
Step 1: S hort press “P rogra m” button 3 times to sta rt delete Learning to GP switch mode ( LE D indicator fla shes
slowly), 180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
AC P ower
S tep 4: There sha ll be indication
on the remote for successful reset
and LE D indica tor of the plug will
flash white 3 times.
5. R emoved from a Zigbee Netwo rk through C oordinator o r Hu b I nterfac e
From your ZigBee controller or hub interfa ce, choose to delete or reset the
lighting device as instructed. LE D indicator of the plug blinks white 3 times to
indicate successful reset.
Note: M ake s ure b oth the d evic e an d remote are added to the s ame gateway that s u ppo rts f ind and bind.
Inpu t Clu s ters
0x0000: Basic 0x0003: Identify 0x0004: Groups 0x0005: Scenes 0x0006: On/off
0x0702: S imple Metering 0x0b04: Electrical Measurement
0x0b05: Diagnostics
Output Clu s ters
0x0003: Identify
1 2. Z igB ee C lus ters t h e d evic e s upports a re as f ollows :
1 3. O TA
The device supports firmwa re upda ting through OTA, and will a cquire new firmware from zigbee controller or
hub every 10 minutes automa tically.
Note: 1 ) E ac h a dded d evic e c an l ink and be c ontrolled by m ax . 3 0 added remo tes .
2 ) E ac h a dded r emote c an l in k and c ontrol m ax . 3 0 added d evices .
0x1000: ZLL Commissioning
0x0019: OTA
11 . S etup a Zigbee Netwo rk & Add Other Devic es t o th e Netwo rk ( No C o ordinator Required)
S tep 1 : Short press “P rogra m” button 4 times to ena ble the device to setup a z igbee network (LE D indica tor
flashes white twice) to discover and add other devices, 180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
ZigBee L i ghti n g D evi c e
< 10cm TouchLink
S tep 4: Bind the added devices a nd remotes through Touchlink so tha t the devices can be controlled by the
remotes, refer to their manua ls.
S tep 2 : Set another device or remote or touch panel into network pa iring mode and pa ir to the network, refer to
their ma nuals.
S tep 3 : P air more devices and remotes to the network a s you would like, refer to their ma nuals.
0x0402: temperature measurement