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November, 2014
List of tested PC card adapters for Compact Flash memory used with PM5D series
Yamaha Corporation
PC flash ATA cards compliant with PCMCIA Type II or a Compact Flash memory inserted in PC
card adapters can be used for saving/loading data, or updating the firmware in PM5D series.
These functions require the following memory specifications:
• The maximum capacity is 2GB.
• The compliant format is FAT16.
Some PC card adapters may not work properly in the console.
To help users find a working PC card adapter, Yamaha has provided a list of tested adapters.
However, please note the following points:
- The list is a result of a few basic tests, so please note that we assume no responsibility
whatsoever for any damages resulting from the use of the PC card adapters listed in the
“Compatible list”.
- Please refer to each manufacturer for the specification of each PC card adapter.
- The devices listed have passed Yamaha’s basic tests.
Test conditions are:
¾ Reading of data in firmware update mode
¾ Reading /writing of data in normal mode
- Information in this document is subject to change without notice.