Because of the special nature of TRAKTOR's Remix Decks, the Deck transport will start
when you trigger a Sample Slot by pressing one of the four Cue/Sample Trigger buttons.
Once the Deck is playing, you can again push one of the Cue/Sample Trigger buttons to
toggle the Mute/Play state of the corresponding Sample Slot. Refer to the TRAKTOR man-
ual for further info on Remix Decks.
4.1.5 Deck Volume Controls and Crossfader
As previously mentioned, the Z2 is essentially a two-channel mixer. The two channel faders,
therefore, control the volume of Decks A and B.
You can control the individual levels of Decks C and D with their individual channel volume
knobs (the knobs with the DECK C and DECK D labeled displays below).
The crossfader fades between both pairs of Decks by default. In other words, if the crossfader
is all the way to the left, you will only hear Decks A and C (if their volume fader of A and the
volume knob of C are turned up). If it is all the way to the right, you will hear both B and D (if
their volume controls are turned up).
You can see whether any sound is playing in Decks C and D by looking at the displays be-
neath their volume knobs (labeled DECK C and DECK D). The illumination level of the la-
bels varies according to the signal level in the Deck, even when the Deck's volume knob is
all the way down. However, the illumination does depend on the gain setting of the channel
— if the GAIN knob (on the TRAKTOR software) is turned all the way down, the Deck vol-
ume knob indicators will be dimmed.
On the TRAKTOR software, it is possible to change what channels are affected by the
crossfader by clicking on the crossfader assign letters left and right of the crossfader (refer
to the TRAKTOR manual for further information).
A Word on Tempo Master
Working with TRAKTOR with the Master Clock in Auto mode, TRAKTOR will automatically set
the currently used Deck to function as the Tempo Master, i.e., all other Decks and FX will be
synced to that Deck. This can be undesirable when using a Deck only for, let's say, performing
scratch routines. There is a setting in TRAKTOR's Transport preferences called "Only On-Air
Decks can be Tempo Master." Deactivating this option will prevent this auto-switching behav-
ior. For further information about Tempo Master and syncing behavior, refer to the TRAKTOR
Using the Z2 with TRAKTOR (TRAKTOR Mode)
TRAKTOR KONTROL Z2 - Manual - 20