That's what you are reading right now! After reading the Setup Guide and following its instruc-
tions, you should be ready to go. The next step is to read this document, the TRAKTOR KON-
TROL F1 Manual. The Manual gives an overview of the Remix Decks and how the F1 is per-
fectly tailored to operate them. Along with the general hardware reference (↑4, TRAKTOR
KONTROL F1 Reference), it also provides a number of step-by-step tutorials and workflows,
which will help you integrate the F1 into your way of DJing (↑3, Tutorials and Workflows).
↑1.3.2, In This Manual will give you an overview of the content of this manual.
The TRAKTOR 2 Manual
For in-depth information on all features provided by the TRAKTOR PRO 2 software (especially
the Remix Decks), please refer to the TRAKTOR 2 Manual. You can access the TRAKTOR 2
Manual via the Open Manual… entry from the Help menu in the TRAKTOR software.
The Controller Editor Manual
Aside from using your TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 hardware controller together with the TRAKTOR
PRO 2 software, you can also use it as a versatile MIDI controller to pilot any other MIDI-capa-
ble application or device. This is made possible by the Controller Editor software, a little appli-
cation that allows you to precisely define all MIDI assignments on your TRAKTOR KON-
TROL F1 controller when operated in MIDI mode (see also ↑4.12, MIDI Mode). The Controller
Editor should have been installed during the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 installation procedure.
For more information on the Controller Editor and MIDI mapping, please refer to the Controller
Editor Manual; you can access the manual via the Open Manual… entry from the Help menu
in the Controller Editor software.
Recommended Reading Order
Because the F1 is an add-on controller, we assume that you are already a TRAKTOR user and
are somewhat familiar with how TRAKTOR works. If not, the TRAKTOR 2 Manual explains each
and every detail of the TRAKTOR 2 software.
If you want to jump right in, go to ↑3, Tutorials and Workflows. Working through the tutorials
will get you going quickly. For more detail on each and every element of the controller, refer to
↑4, TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Reference. This chapter will also be your main reference for the
Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL F1!
The TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 Documentation at a Glance
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 12