Enquiry, Toggling, Transferring and Conference Calls
“Actions” MenuCard for
Subscribers on Hold
If the subscriber is being held, ...
press the MenuCard key m
briefly and then select …
Paging: you acknowledge the pag-
ing message that previously
appeared on your display.
Toggling: you switch between the
current subscriber and the sub-
scriber you spoke to previously.
Transfer: you connect the subscriber
who is on hold to the subscriber
with whom you are currently speak-
Team hold: if a call is to be contin-
ued on an different telephone in a
team, you can press “Team hold” to
invoke an automatic hold recall to
the team members.
Conference: you initiate a three-
party conference.
DTMF post-dial...: this switches over
to DTMF post-dialling mode.
Notes: make a note of a telephone
number and a name or dial a tele-
phone number you have already
WAP portal: you can access WAP
(WML) pages in the Internet using
URLs preset by the system adminis-
trator or you can enter a URL your-
Internal / External Three-
party Conferences
Providing your telephone has the
necessary authorisation, you can
hold a telephone conference (with
up to three subscribers in all). Inter-
nal and external subscribers can
participate in the conference.
You have dialled an internal or
external enquiry call.
C If the subscriber answers,
announce the conference and select
the “
Conference” menu item from
the “
Actions” MenuCard. This initi-
ates the conference.
B/t You terminate the confer-
ence by replacing the handset or
pressing the disconnect key.
Enquiry, Toggling, Transferring and Conference Calls
You are now connected with the
subscriber you called. Your first call
is held.
g To toggle (i.e. switch backwards
and forwards between the two
calls), press the R-key or the held
subscriber’s call key (the LED and
the arrow symbol on this key flash
End the enquiry call or toggling by
pressing the disconnect key t.
g Then press the key with the held
C You are reconnected with the
waiting subscriber.
Transferring an Internal /
External Call to an Inter-
nal Subscriber
Let’s say you have dialled an inter-
nal enquiry call (see the section
entitled “Enquiry / Toggling” above)
by means of the R-key or another
call key.
If the subscriber answers,
CBAnnounce the call transfer and
replace the handset. If the sub-
scriber does not answer,
B Replace the handset. The call is
signalled on the subscriber’s termi-
If the called subscriber goes off-
hook, they receive the waiting call.
If the called subscriber does not
answer within 45 seconds, you get a
recall and when you lift the hand-
set, press the hands-free key or the
call key, you are reconnected with
the original caller.
If the internal subscriber whom you
called is busy, press the t dis-
connect key and then the g/r
enquiry key or the call key on which
the original call is waiting.
Transferring an External
Call to an External Sub-
Transferring an external call to an
external subscriber can only be
done via the “
Subscribers” Menu-
Briefly press the MenuCard key
m and confirm the
transfer with
the OK key o.
Depending on your telephone sys-
tem settings, this can connect the
external calls on your telephone sys-
Note: if you connect two calls you
dialled, the call charges incurred will
be billed to your own account. In
other words, you will have no con-
trol over the duration of the trans-
ferred call or the costs incurred.