Safety precautions
Only use this product in countries
where the relevant authorities have
granted an appropriate licence.
The equipment conforms to the
industrial safety class IP54 in accor-
dance with IEC 529 / EN 60 529
(dust- and splash-proof).
Please bear the following in mind
when installing, connecting and
operating your telephone:
• The handset must not be oper-
ated in areas where there is
danger of explosions occurring.
• Do not place the handset,
charger or accessories in the
vicinity of:
– water, moisture or damp
areas (e.g. in bathrooms)
– heat sources, direct sunlight
or poorly ventilated areas
– devices which produce
strong magnetic fields, elec-
trical devices, fluorescent
lamps, computers, radios or
television sets
– areas where the equipment
may be covered, its ventila-
The design of your telephone
Using your telephone
The design of your telephone
Using your telephone
tion impaired, or where fluids
could penetrate into it. Do
not leave your handset lying
outside in the rain, for exam-
– areas subject to vibration,
shock or extreme tempera-
ture fluctuations.
Please be sure to follow the instruc-
tions below when installing, con-
necting and operating your tele-
• Only connect authorised acces-
• Only use the A/C plug-in
adapter supplied (No. 4 999 045
014 or 4 999 051 605 for UK) or
the A/C plug-in adapter type
called “Plus” (No. 4 999 070 859
or 4 999 070 860 for UK).
• Do not use plug-in adapters
that have visible damage (a
cracked or broken casing).
• Scientific research has shown
that in certain cases, medical
equipment can be influenced
by operational DECT tele-
phones. You should therefore