h. For remote monitoring of the status of the Rx optical link on either the transmitter or receiver, connect a locally
Tx Rx 1 2
constructed or obtained device to the two right Alarm poles of the RS-232 Over Fiber/Alarm 5-pole captive screw
connector on that unit. The unit shorts both poles together when no light is detected.
Step 3 — Throughput Connections
NOTES: • See the two fiber cable connection drawings below. You can connect the transmitter and one or more receivers in one
of three ways:
• One way (transmitter to receiver) only, perform step a.
• Two way (transmitter to receiver and return), perform steps a and b.
• One way (transmitter to receiver) with daisy chain (receiver to receiver), perform steps a and c.
• HDCP compliance requires both fiber cables.
a. Connect the fiber between the Tx port on the transmitter and the Rx port on the receiver.
b. If you want the receiver to return serial data (such as responses from a controlled device) to the transmitter,
connect a cable between the Tx port on the receiver and Rx port on the transmitter.
c. If you want a receiver to daisy-chain the optical signal to another receiver (up to 10 receivers in a daisy chain):
• Connect the receiver Tx fiber cable to the Rx port on another receiver.
• Set each receiver to daisy chain mode. See “Return Link and Daisy Chain Modes,” below.
After all receivers, the transmitter, and their connected devices
are powered up, the system is fully operational. If any problems
are encountered, verify that the cables are routed and connected
properly and that all display devices have identical resolutions and refresh rates. If problems persist,
call the Extron S3 Sales & Technical Support Hotline at the number that is closest to you.
Return Link and Daisy Chain Modes
The receiver can operate in one of two modes (or both modes can be disabled):
Return link mode — The receiver outputs data on its Tx connector for return to the transmitter.
Daisy chain mode — The receiver daisy-chains its Rx connector input through to its Tx connector output.
Use SIS commands to toggle between return disable, normal, daisy chain modes. Connect a PC to the receiver and issue the
following command: 66*0*n#, where n = 0 = disable, 1 = enable return link (default mode), and 2 = daisy chain enable.
NOTES: • Up to 10 receivers, each in daisy chain mode, can be connected in a daisy chain to a single transmitter.
• Daisy chain mode works with non-HDCP sources only.
HDMI Audio Switch
This switch mutes (Off position) and unmutes (On position) the embedded audio output on the HDMI output connector.
The audio on the captive screw output always remains active regardless of the setting of this switch.
Tx Link and Rx Link LEDs — When lit, the link is active (light is output [Tx] or received [Rx]).
Tx Rx
NOTE: The Link LEDs indicate transmission of light only, not whether there is data encoded in the optical link.
Power LED
— This LED lights to indicate that power is applied to the unit.
HDMI LED — This LED lights on both units when the transmitter detects a signal on its video input.
HDCP LED — This LED lights on both units when the input signal is HDCP encrypted.
Audio LED — This LED lights on both units when the transmitter detects a low level audio signal for a short period of time.
EDID Minder switch — Set this switch to one of the
positions at right to select the source of the DDC or a
specific resolution.
Position 0 — An EDID that has been captured
from the display connected to the transmitter
HDMI loop-thru connector.
Position 1 — The DDC is selected via a serial port on the Tx only using an SIS command or the FOX Extender Control Program.
Position 2 - F — Specify a resolution. The table identifies the switch positions and the associated resolutions.
Rev A
05 12
Tx Rx
From Transmitter
or Daisy-Chained
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Pos. Source or resolution Pos. Resolution Pos. Resolution
0 User recorded EDID 6 1280 x 800 C 1600 x 1200
1 RS-232 7 1280 x 1024 D 1680 x 1050
2 800 x 600 8 1360 x 768 E 1920 x 1080
3 1024 x 768 9 1366 x 768 F 1920 x 1200
4 1280 x 720 A 1400 x 1050
5 1280 x 768 B 1440 x 900
© 2012 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved. www.extron.com
X2) = Rx link and daisy chain enable
2 = daisy chain enable
FOXBOX HDMI • Setup Guide (Continued)