IBA ibaAnalyzer Owner's manual

  • Hello, I am your chat assistant. I have carefully reviewed the ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract user manual. This document provides comprehensive instructions on how to use the software extension for extracting data from various sources into multiple standard formats like CSV, Apache Parquet, and Matlab. It also covers automated data processing with ibaDatCoordinator and features such as diagnostic logging and notification system. I'm ready to answer your questions about the functionalities described in the manual.
  • What is ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract?
    What file formats does ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract support?
    Can I automate data extraction using this extension?
    Where are diagnostic logs stored?
    How can I specify the location of extracted files?
Extract Interface for External Data File Formats
Issue 2.2
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
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2.2 12-2020 Chapter 4.2 New opons TS/RM 7.1.4
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Issue 2.2 3
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Content
1 About this manual .............................................................................................................4
1.1 Target group.............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............6
2 Introducon ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 What is ibaAnalzyer-V7-File-Extract ? ....................................................................... 7
2.2 Funcons and applicaon ......................................................................................... 7
2.3 Installaon ................................................................................................................ 7
3 Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer .................................................................................. 8
3.1 Extractor Output ............................................................................................ .........10
3.2 Archive Prole Assignment ..................................................................................... 12
3.3 Info Columns ............................................................................................. .............. 15
3.4 Computed Columns ................................................................................................18
3.5 Diagnosis and Nocaon ...................................................................................... 19
3.5.1 Diagnosc Log ............................................................................................. ............ 19
3.5.2 Nocaons ...........................................................................................................20
3.6 Renumbering ..........................................................................................................22
4 Supported File Formats ................................................................................................... 24
4.1 The iba format (.dat le) ......................................................................................... 24
4.2 Text le (CSV) .......................................................................................................... 25
4.3 COMTRADE ............................................................................................................. 29
4.4 TDMS ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.5 Apache Parquet ...................................................................................................... 31
4.6 Matlab .................................................................................................................... 33
5 CommandLineOpons ................................................................................................... 35
6 AutomacExtraconusingibaDatCoordinator ................................................................ 36
7 Support and contact ........................................................................................................ 38
4 Issue 2.2
About this manual ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
1 About this manual
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
We assume that the reader is familiar with the soware ibaAnalyzer itself, otherwise we recom-
mend to consult the ibaAnalyzer main manual rst.
The manual for ibaAnalyzer contains four parts:
■ Part 1: Introducon and Installaon
■ Part 2: Working with ibaAnalyzer
■ Part 3: Expression editor
■ Part 4: Applicaon examples
Addionally, some specic funcons are documented in seperate manuals:
■ ibaAnalyzer-DB: Reading and wring into databases
■ ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat: Reading other data formats
■ ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator: Creaon of automated reports
1.1 Target group
This documentaon addresses in parcular professionals who are in charge of analyzing mea-
sured data and process data. Because the data is supplied by other iba products the following
knowledge is required or at least helpful when working with ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract:
■ Operang system Windows
■ ibaPDA (creaon and structure of the measuring data les)
■ ibaAnalyzer
Issue 2.2 5
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract About this manual
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram - Add - New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
File names, paths "Filename", "Path"
Example: "Test.doc"
6 Issue 2.2
About this manual ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
death or severe injury!
■ Observe the specied measures.
injury or material damage!
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
Issue 2.2 7
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Introducon
2 Introducon
2.1 What is ibaAnalzyer-V7-File-Extract ?
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract is a purchasable extension which enables measurement data ac-
quired in the iba dat le format to be extracted automacally in standard formats which can be
imported by other programs.
Supported formats are the iba format (.dat), text les (CSV or ASCII), Apache Parquet, Matlab
(.mat), COMTRADE and TDMS. See chapter ì Supported File Formats, page 24 for further
2.2 Funconsandapplicaon
The ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract funconality is an integral part of current ibaAnalyzer versions
and is acvated during the installaon of ibaAnalyzer whenever the respecve dongle is pres-
ent. All data in iba data le format (*.dat), created by ibaPDA, ibaQDR, ibaLogic, ibaScope or
third party applicaons which have used the ibaFiles library can be easily loaded, transformed
and extracted using ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract.
■ Loading measurements from iba data le
■ Transformaon of data or generaon of new virtual signals
■ Extract data to various formats
■ Automated processing with ibaDatCoordinator
For detailed informaon about the general funcons of ibaAnalyzer, see the
ibaAnalyzer manual.
For the usage of ibaDatCoordinator, see ì Automac Extracon using ibaDatCo-
ordinator, page 36 or the corresponding manual.
2.3 Installaon
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract is installed automacally together with ibaAnalyzer and is acvated
by the associated license.
8 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
3 Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
In order to use ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract a separate dialog, called “Data Extractor” is available
in the main soware. Using the default sengs, the dialog is accessible via the main toolbar or
the menu Database - DatExtractor .
Fig. 1: Opening the Data Extractor
If no license is available, a corresponding error message will be displayed when aempng to
open the “Data Extractor” dialog.
Fig. 2: No license error
By default, the “Extractor output” tab is shown, see ì Extractor Output, page 10 for more
Issue 2.2 9
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
Fig. 3: The Data Extractor Window
The common element in each tab are the following buons:
<Extract now>
A le will be created based on all the current sengs in the „Data Extracon" window. By de-
fault, all extracted le names will consist of the source le name augmented by „_de". If ex-
tracon from the same source le is repeated the extracted les will be indexed starng with
All current sengs within the dialog are saved and the window is closed.
All sengs changed aer the "Data Extractor" window was opened are discarded and the win-
dow is closed.
10 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
If mulple les are opened in the le group of ibaAnalyzer (e.g. from a condi-
onal search using ibaHD-Server), it is possible to apply the extracon to all les
contained in the le group. Aer pressing <Extract Now> a corresponding dialog
is shown.
3.1 Extractor Output
This tab is used to specify the locaon and the format of the extracon le.
Fig. 4: Extractor output window
In order to use ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract, the opon "Extract to le" needs to be selected. The
opon "Extract to database" is necessary for the product ibaAnalyzer-DB.
Issue 2.2 11
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
For the "Extract to database" funconality, see the manual ibaAnalyzer-DB.
The extracted les are automacally stored at the dened path. If the specied directory cannot
be found it will be created automacally. Further, it is possible to browse the network to select
the locaon, by pressing <…>.
File name
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract creates output les having the same name as the input le and an
addional “_de” sux. If the checkbox “Add ‘_de’ sux” is disabled, the original le name is
In this tab, the output le format is specied. See ì Supported File Formats, page 24 for
more detailed informaon on the supported formats.
If the analysis is called from the ibaDatCoordinator then the locaon of the ex-
tracted les must be specied there and will override the locaon specied in
the Data Extractor. In case the directory is password protected the username and
password must be entered.
12 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
3.2 ArchiveProleAssignment
The selecon of exported signals and the resulng sampling rate is done in the Archive prole
assignment tab.
Fig. 5: Archive prole denion and assignment
To create an archive prole, at least one data le needs to be opened in ibaAna-
Dierent “Segment archive proles” can be added to the table. For each prole the associated
signals can be selected in the right pane. Signals can be extracted me-based or length-based
and the prole sengs have to t to the type of signal. Of course, dierent proles can be spec-
ied for dierent signals.
A signal can always be assigned to one and only one prole.
The "Mode" and "Size" column
Using a dropdown menu the “Mode” for each prole can be selected. Together with its mulpli-
er “Size” this determines the nal sampling rate of the prole.
Issue 2.2 13
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
■ Time (seconds)
Specify the sampling rate in seconds
■ Length (m)
Specify the sampling rate in meter
■ *signal mebase
Use the original signal mebase or a mulple of it.
■ Time segments
Specify the number of exported line segments. The sampling rate is automacally adjusted
depending on the measurement duraon
■ Length segments
Specify the number of exported length segments. The sampling rate is automacally adjusted
depending on the measurement length
■ Time, non equidistant
Extract non-equidistant data
"Time, non equidistant" is only available, when exporng to text les.
Assigning a length mode to a me-based signal or a me mode to a length-based
signal will produce an error on extracon.
The mode "Signal mebase" works for me- and length-based signals.
14 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
If the archive prole species signals which are not present in the exisng dat
le, they will be listed unter "Channels currently unavailable".
Extra binary channel info
For down-sampled signals it may be useful to also extract "Maximum", "Minimum" or "Standard
deviaon" of the signals. Select any of these opons in order to create an addional signal con-
taining these values.
When extracng to a dat le these opons generate corresponding sub-channels.
If the selected prole sample cycle is the same as that of the source signals,
these values contain no addional informaon.
If not the complete signal (over the full duraon) shall be exported, you have the possibility
to specify the beginning and end of a prole range. If either of these is not dened, the corre-
sponding end of the extracted prole range will be the same as that of the input signal range.
You can use expressions to calculate the range from your data.
Extract video range
When exporng videos, only parts of the video may contain important informaon. By provid-
ing a corresponding digital signal, only the parts of the video marked by this signal are extracted
to the le. This can help to save storage space.
Issue 2.2 15
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
This opon simply adds all signals, which are not assigned to a prole, to the rst available pro-
le. This can be useful, if the le structure changes over dierent les.
Use this opon to automacally delete proles which have no signals assigned.
Remove all signals from the selected prole.
3.3 Info Columns
The Info columns tab permits the extracon of informaon from the "Info" part (e. g. techno
string columns) of the source le. This data will be found in the "Info" part of the extracted les.
Info Field Assignment
There are two procedures for selecng an info eld.
Fig. 6: Conguring info columns for extracon
Click on the source eld. The eld informaon will be transferred to the processing eld (1).
Double click on the source eld. The column line (2) will be lled in addion to the processing
eld. The "Column type" can only be "char". The "Column name" can be renamed if required.
The range of characters within the "Funcon" can be altered in the processing window.
16 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
Select group
It is also possible to select a group of characters from the contents of the info eld.
1. Click on the rst of the required characters, drag the mouse to the last required character
and release.
2. <Apply>
3. The excerpt from the source string is transferred to the column eld.
All the characters from the marked starng point to the end of the info eld are selected.
Issue 2.2 17
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
Add line Adds a new empty line above the currently selected
Delete line Deletes currently selected line
Move line up Moves currently selected line up
Move line down Moves currently selected line down
Import info le Import Info Column informaon from text le. The
"Open text le" dialog appears.
Alternave: right click on header, select Import
Export info le Export Info Column informaon to text le. The
"Save text le" dialog appears.
Alternave: right click on header, select Export
18 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
3.4 Computed Columns
The Computed columns tab is used to specify operaons which can be applied to the individual
signals. These operaons will create one value for the associated signal (e.g. the average, maxi-
mum, or minimum of all the data in one signal).
Select and prepare signal
Double click on required signal (drag and drop also works). The signal will be copied into the
computed column list.
The "Column name" inially takes the source signal name but can be altered as required.
The "Expression" inially takes the source signal channel number.
The expression can be altered by selecng the "Expression builder". The result of the expression
should be a constant value. If no funcon is dened the average of the signal data will be calcu-
The "X" cell is automacally lled with the source signal cycle mode.
The list manipulaon funcons are described in ì Info Columns, page 15
If no group funcon is specied in the expression ibaAnalyzer automacally uses
the average.
Issue 2.2 19
ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer
3.5 DiagnosisandNocaon
In a producon environment it is necessary to monitor automated processes, to log processing
informaon for diagnosc purpose and to generate nocaons.
3.5.1 DiagnoscLog
The diagnosc log is useful for checking progress when automac extracon is operang (e.g.
triggered by the ibaDatCoordinator). If a log mode is selected the log le will be created and
updated with each extracon.
■ None
Log Switched o
■ Brief
■ Detailed
Enter name of diagnosc le. Browse the network if required (<…>).
With this opon enabled one log le is created for each day.
The selected log le can be opened in Notepad and changed as required.
20 Issue 2.2
Data Extractor dialog in ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-V7-File-Extract
If logging is acvated permanently, a cleanup strategy for the log les has to be
implemented externally (not part of ibaAnalyzer).
3.5.2 Nocaons
The Nocaon tab provides 4 means of communicaon triggered by a selected status of the
extracon process. The following statuses are available:
■ On compleon
■ On success
■ On failure
■ On failure (1st. failure only)
Fig. 7: Nocaons tab
E-mail address
Enter address and select extracon mode.
Net send computer name
Enter computer name and select extracon mode. Browse the network if required (<…>).
Command line
Enter command line script to be executed when extractor status achieved and select extracon