Catalyst Browse is a powerful clip-management tool for the latest Sony camcorders and decks.
n The Media Browser pane allows you to browse the media files on drives and devices connected to
your computer.
n The Video pane allows you to preview media files.
n The Inspector pane allows you to view metadata saved in media files.
n The Adjust Color workspace allows you to adjust the color content of your clips.
Clip lists allow you to assemble clips when working with XDCAMmedia in an XDroot folder ,
XAVC media in an XDroot folder , and RAWmedia in an AxS folder .
Catalyst Browse is designed to support clips from Sony cameras and devices. For expanded
device support, please consider Catalyst Prepare.
What's new in version 2018.1
Added a Create Sony Professional Disc partitions check box in the Export pane to enable
rendering XAVCIntra, XAVCLong, and XDCAMfiles with multiple body partitions.
Files created with multiple body partitions may not be recognized properly by some Sony
camcorders, decks, or servers.
n Improved color-management workflow for choosing color spaces, applying color adjustments, and
transcoding clips with color adjustments:
In Options, Color management settings have been grouped together. Grade in has been
changed to Working color space, and Display color space settings have been changed to
Preview color space and External monitor color space.
In Adjust Color mode, the Inspector pane now displays the Preview and External monitor
color space (if an external monitor is enabled). If the selected color space is not compatible
with the source color space and cannot be exported, awarningis displayed to notify you.
When exporting a clip with color adjustments, the Output color space is now based on the
Preview color space or External monitor color space to ensure the transcoded clip matches
your preview.
When exporting a clip with color adjustments, the output format and transcoding presets
are limited those supported by the selected Output color space.
n Saved transcoding settings are now applied when transcoding clips or repairing flashbands.
The Save settings switch in Transcode Tools is now on by default.
Chapter 1