Introduction 1-1
About this Guide................................................ 1-1
Questions and Answers .................................... 1-2
DigiPath Components 2-1
Hardware Components .....................................2-1
Software Components....................................... 2-2
Conventions 3-1
Safety Symbols and What They Mean..............3-1
Other Conventions in this Guide ....................... 3-2
How do you start this system? 4-1
Power on your DigiPath Workstation ................4-1
Power on your Document Library Server .......... 4-2
Power Off your DigiPath Workstation................ 4-3
Power Off your Document Library Server ......... 4-4
USA Copyright Laws 5-1
Never Print These US Government Documents5-1
Other Documents That are Illegal to Print......... 5-2
Canadian Laws 5-3
Documents That are Illegal to Print in Canada .5-3
What’s an RDO? 6-1
Introducing a New File Type … the RDO..........6-1
Other DigiPath Supported File Types ...............6-2
How Do You Make an RDO? ............................ 6-3
Create a New RDO ........................................... 6-4
Using Scan and Print 7-1
Introducing Scan and Print................................7-1
Scan and Print a Black and White or Color Original
Scan and Print Large Jobs................................ 7-5
Scan and Save Documents............................... 7-8
Scan, Print, and Save an RDO or PDF ........... 7-11
Scanning 8-1
Input Document Information..............................8-1
Scanning Suggestions ...................................... 8-2
Creating Different Job Types.............................8-4
Create a Signature RDO ...................................8-6
Create an N-Up RDO ........................................8-8
Create a 2-Up Flip RDO ..................................8-10
Image Editing 9-1
Image Editing Functions....................................9-1
Using the Transparent Option ...........................9-3
Editing an Image ...............................................9-4
Editing an Adobe PDF Segment in DSM...........9-7
Enhancement Features .....................................9-9
Using the Register Enhance Settings..............9-10
Enhancing Images...........................................9-13
RDOs and Other File Types 10-1
Insert an Adobe PDF File into an RDO ...........10-1
Insert a JPEG File into an RDO ......................10-2
Insert a TIFF File into an RDO ........................10-3
Insert Multiple Files into an RDO.....................10-4
Save an RDO as an Adobe PDF File ..............10-6
Export TIFF, JPEG, PostScript, or
Adobe PDF Segments ..................................10-7
Convert an Adobe PDF File to an RDO ..........10-9
Using Decomposition Services Output..........10-12
Working with RDO Files 11-1
Formatting Choices .........................................11-1
Change RDO Properties .................................11-4
Apply Highlight Color to an Image...................11-5
Arrange Objects on RDO Pages .....................11-6
Arrange Pages in an RDO...............................11-9
Shared Files (TIFF or JPEG).........................11-12
Add Other Images to an RDO .......................11-13
Make Ready ..................................................11-14
Use a Wizard to Create an RDO ...................11-17
Storing and Retrieving RDO Files 12-
Save Files from DSM into Windows Directories12-
Save Files from DSM into DigiPath Cabinets..12-2
Open RDOs from Windows Directories...........12-3
Open RDOs from DigiPath Cabinets...............12-4