FläktGroup CAIRplus EcotwinCool, ECOTWINcool Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the supplement to the operation manual for the CAIRplus ECOTWINcool adiabatic cooling system. This document details the system's design, including its double-plate heat exchanger, fine atomizer nozzles and hygienic operation without circulating water. I'm ready to answer your questions about the unit's features, maintenance, and operation.
  • What is the operating pressure range for the adiabatic cooling system?
    How is partial-load operation achieved?
    What should be checked during maintenance?
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Table of Contents
Overview of units and packaged content ....................................... 3
Adiabatic cooling .............................................................................. 3
Design features ................................................................................. 4
Fan arrangement ............................................................................... 4
Hood (protective hood of the air humidifier assembly) ................ 5
Various hood sizes ........................................................................... 5
Nozzle employed ............................................................................... 6
Solenoid valve employed ................................................................. 7
Controls ............................................................................................. 7
Maintenance ...................................................................................... 7
Copyright note
Disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this document
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Overview of units and packaged content
Fig. 1: Indirect adiabatic cooling with double-plate heat exchanger
Adiabatic Cooling
The air handling units CAIRplus for an air flow rate of 3,000 to 23,000 m³/h can be
delivered ex factory with adiabatic cooling. Return air is humidified up to saturation.
The coolness resulting from evaporation is then transferred to the supply air via an
energy recovery system. Then the cooled supply air can be cooled down further to the
desired temperature or dehumidified in the downstream cooler battery.
The ECOTWINcool double-plate heat exchanger allows energy-saving adiabatic cool-
ing with directly sprayed heat exchanger plates. The heat exchanger surfaces of the
energy recovery system are also used as evaporation surface. Completely separate
intake and return air flows are a prerequisite for this process. Epoxide-coated and addi-
tionally sealed heat exchangers are therefore used. In the interior, special fine atomizer
nozzles humidify the return air at a pressure of 4-6 bar, so that the surfaces of the dou-
ble-plate heat exchanger are uniformly wetted and operation without a booster pump
is possible. Since no circulation water is used, the operation is properly hygienic. With
efficiencies of up to 75 percent, very high cooling capacities are achieved based on the
saturation temperature.
Exhaust air
Outside air
Return air
Supply air
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Design features
Plate-type heat exchanger Epoxy resin coating
Additionally sealed foldings
Tested for leaks
Condensate tray
for model "V" Permeate from reverse osmosis unit is corrosive
The tray is therefore made of 1.4509
Humidifier segment The duct bend engages in the plate-type heat exchanger so that no water precipi-
tates on the units walls
Material 1.4509
Chamber models The humidified air does not come into contact with the ECOTWIN-V humidification
chamber's internal skin
Internal skin made of Aluzink or RAL9002 is sufficient
the chamber must not be especially sealed.
Trap A trap must be provided on site
Especially for a suction return fan, a ball trap should be provided
Water quality Feed water from the tap contains lime and salts which can lead to depositions.
Water treatment is therefore necessary
Up to a conductivity of 500µS/cm, softening is usually sufficient
For higher conductivities, a reverse-osmosis unit is required
Water pressure The adiabatic cooling works for water pressures of 4-6 bar, whereby a pressure of 5 to
6 bar should be aspired
Fan arrangement
Return fan intake –
Supply fan intake the ideal arrangement for plants where high leak tightness is required
the ideal arrangement for plants where high pressure differentials prevail
Return fan - pressure –
Supply fan - suction intake there is the danger of backflows, where water gets into the fan chamber. Plan suf-
ficient clearance for plug fans.
possibly employ both fans for intake
Return fan intake –
supply fan exhausting occasionally used in plants with inferior exhaust air quality, such as kitchens
this design is only practicable, however, if the system pressures are not very high
the danger of leakage is not as great because of prevailing negative pressure in the
damp area.
be sure to pay special attention to the large differential pressure in the heat
exchanger area.
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Hood (protective hood of the air humidifier assembly)
Fig. 2: Hood
The hood ensures that the humidified air or the osmosis water only remains in the heat
exchanger and does not get into the rest of the air conditioning unit.
Various hood sizes
NH: Number of nozzles in height
NW: Number of nozzles in width
TH: Nozzle distribution in height
TB: Nozzle distribution in width
TWM:Middle nozzle distribution for two hoods
Nozzle fitting
CAIR type Number of nozzles Nozzle pitch
Total Width
height [mm] Interior
width [mm] Number of hoods
next to each other
064052 3 2 6 194 0 81 161 582.5 1
064064 3 2 6 194 0118 236 582.5 1
064096 3 3 9 194 0 144 431 582.5 1
096052 4 2 8 226 081 161 902.5 1
096064 4 2 8 226 0 118 236 902.5 1
096096 4 3 12 226 0144 431 902.5 1
128064 6 2 12 191 0 118 236 1147.5 1
128096 6 3 18 191 0144 431 1147.5 1
128128 6 4 24 191 0 228 911 1147.5 1
160096 6 3 18 247 305 144 431 740 2
160128 8 4 32 185 243 248 991 740 2
188096 8 3 24 220 278 170 511 880 2
188128 8 4 32 220 278 248 991 880 2
220128 10 440 208 266 248 991 1040 2
252128 10 4 40 240 298 248 991 1200 2
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Fig. 3: Front view of a hood
Fig. 4: Front view of two hoods
Nozzle employed
This is a nozzle with a ¼ inch screw thread.
1.4404 is employed as material
Nozzle wrench width 12
Front view of the hood
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Solenoid valve employed
Suited for use in partly aggressive liquid media
Material: stainless steel 1.4408
The solenoid valve is mounted by the manufacturer
Connected currentless
Connection ½ inch
Voltage 230V
–IP 65 class
Ambient temperature -10 to 50°C
Operating pressure max. 10 bar
Power 20VA
Fig. 5: Solenoid valve/symbol
The activation of adiabatic cooling is done by opening of a solenoid valve.
Requirements for activation are:
Cooling demand is present
The saturation temperature of the return air must lie at least 4° C below the outside
Partial-load operation is executed by cycling the solenoid valve.
Tab. 1: Overview of nozzle cycling
Maintenance intervals The maintenance intervals depend on the quality of the water used.
For permeate from reverse-osmosis units, the maintenance intervals can be longer
than when using softened water.
before/after cooling
Generally, the units should undergo inspection before and after every cooling season.
Especially check for any deposits on the plate heat exchanger as well as on the nozzle.
Cleaning If deposits have formed on the plate exchanger, then the function of the water treat-
ment should be examined. Deposits on the nozzles can almost always be eliminated
in an ultrasonic bath. The 3-part nozzle is previously taken apart.
Nozzle cycle
[sec] OFF
[sec] Power
[%] Consumption
100 0 100 100
30 15 93 67
30 30 85 50
15 30 70 33
0 100 0 0
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