Soon your new Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing
System (LPS) will be delivered. As with any new equipment, certain
things must be in place before the equipment can be installed.
The Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System
Installation Planning Guide (IPG) is designed to help you answer
these questions and to help you, as the coordinator of the installation
for your company, accomplish the preinstallation requirements, as
well as the ongoing activities after the laser printing system is
What this guide contains
Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System
Installation Planning Guide
provides you with the necessary
information to ensure a successful installation, such as:
• LPS basic components and options
• Tasks that must be accomplished before installation
• Responsibilities for each task
• Supplies and fonts that must be ordered
• Delivery requirements
• Postinstallation activities.
The Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS Installation Planning
Guide is divided into five chapters and an appendix as follows:
Chapter 1: LPS overview. Provides an overview of the Xerox
DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX Laser Printing System. Describes the
basic system controller and printer components.
Chapter 2: LPS options. Describes the system controller, printer,
graphic, and host-resident software options available for the laser
printing system.
Chapter 3: Preinstallation. Provides information on configuration
requirements, environmental and electrical requirements, cabling,
supplies, and access requirements. Space planning templates and a
grid are provided at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 4: Installation. Describes the installation process, reviews
Xerox or Xerox Limited and site responsibilities, and lists the
components of the documentation and software kits that are
delivered with the system.
Chapter 5: Postinstallation. Describes Xerox or Xerox Limited
support services, routine maintenance, meter reading and reporting,
and supplies activities. Also provides a consumables table and a
checklist for ordering supplies.
A glossary and an index are provided at the back of the manual.