Table of Content
railroad tracks, avoiding, 18
rating photographs, 215
RAW, compared with JPEG, 117
recommendations for professional photographers,
refl ections, 127
refl ectors, 68–71
remote shutter, 138
Rule of Thirds, 32–33, 128
samples from professional photographers, 254
Sandoval, Carrie (photographer), 158–159
Saturation/Hue tool (Photoshop Elements), 220
saving photographs, 222, 241
scheduling newborn professional photography, 141
school-aged children photography, 150–153
lenses, 90–93
presets, 38
printer paper, 236
professional photographer, 253–255
refl ectors, 68–71
selective color treatment, 228
self-timer mode, 138
set, 12–19
shadows, 126–127, 224
sharing photographs
about, 233
décor, 244–247
‘Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars’,
online viewing, 238–241
printing, 234–238
wall arrangements, 241–244
sharpening, 221, 241
show, 20–23
shutter lag, 90
Shutter Priority Mode (Tv/S), 111–112
shutter speed, 100–102, 108
Shutterfl y, 246
shutters, 73
shutters (remote), 138
side lighting, 56–57
Siebert, Laura (photographer), 172–173
silhouettes, 60–62
silly song, singing as a distraction, 180
slants, in composition, 124
Smith, Amy (photographer), 206–207
Smith, Joyce (photographer), 42–43
snapping the picture
color temperature, 36–38
exposure, 39–41
fi lling the frame, 27–30
focus, 34–35
‘Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars’,
number to take, 36
Rule of Thirds, 32–33
subject level, 31
special events, photographing, 195–197
speed, relationship with focus, 34
Sports Mode, 111
Standard Angle lens, focal length of, 94
standard lenses, 93
steadiness, relationship with focus, 34
story, telling a, 125
basics (for clothing), 162–164
Laura Siebert on, 172–173
subject, 4–7
Super Secret Spy Lens, 118
Swanky Stitch Camera Strap Slipcover, 118
“sweet light,” 8
teen photography, 154–157
telephoto lens
about, 93
focal length of, 94
for newborn photography, 144
temperature (color), 36–38
textures, incorporating, 123
Theit Camera Bags, 119
through the lens (TTL), 113
through the viewfi nder (TTV), 89
tilted photos, 124, 229
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