star effect filters used during night photography, 244
steadying camera without tripod, methods for, 240
Steichen, Edward (photographer), 15
still subjects, shutter speed for, 129–131
stop-action shots, 132–140
stormy skies, 267–268
studio lighting, 162
studying photography, 14–16
style modes
disadvantages of, 16–17
experimentation with, 17
JPEG format, 16–17
landscape, 16
Neutral Picture Style, 16
overview, 16–17
portrait, 16, 17
RAW format, 16–17
seascape, 16
vivid, 16
subcompact cameras, 36–37
subject distance as factor in depth of field, 112–113
subject modes
avoiding, 14
Close-up mode, 168–171
Landscape mode, 164–166
Night-portrait mode, 167–168
Night-scene mode, 167
overview, 164
Panorama mode, 171
Portrait mode, 168
Sports/Action mode, 166–167, 172
subject speed as factor in shutter speed, 134–135
subjectivity in choosing exposure, 17–18
subjects for night photography, 246–258
foreground, shooting with an interesting, 279
shooting, 273–277
bracketing exposures by a full stop or more, 277–278
foreground, shooting with an interesting, 279
hiding the sun behind something opaque, 277–278
longest lens used to shoot, 277
metering away from the sun, 276
overview, 273–274
scouting locations for, 275–276
silhouettes, 229
super zoom cameras
electronic-type viewfinder (EVF), 38
exposure controls, 36, 37–39
switching between TTL (through-the-lens) meters, 66
sync cord as method for attaching accessory flash, 288
sync speed
defined, 312
overview, 298
handheld shots, 128
long exposures/steady camera, 141–142
Manual exposure mode, 143
motion shots, 140–144
for moving subjects, 129–131
overview, 52, 54–56
panning effects, 140, 142–143
peak of motion as factor in, 137–139
range for, 128–129
settings for, 128–129
Shutter Priority Exposure mode, 143
slower shutter speeds, 56
for still subjects, 129–131
stop-action shots, 132–140
subject speed as factor in, 134–135
zoom effects, 143–144
shutters, 52–53
defined, 315
described, 190
white subjects with detail, 212
silhouettes, 227–229, 234
single exposure for fireworks displays, 258
single-focal-length lenses
constant maximum aperture, 99
lens speed, 98, 99
slave, 315
slow lenses, 98
slower shutter speeds, 56
small apertures used for expansive detail, 106
snow scenes, 272–273
soft light, 315
software calibration, 30
sparklers as subject for night photography, 254–256
speed (lens)
aperture size factors, 98–99
fast lenses, 98
price of lens in relation to, 99
prime lenses, 98, 99
single-focal-length lenses, 98, 99
slow lenses, 98
zoom lenses, 98–99
sports photography
Fill-in flash mode, 298
Shutter Priority mode, 158
wireless flash technology, 304, 305
Sports/Action mode, 166–167, 172
spot meter
defined, 315
overview, 76–78
spot metering
TTL (through-the-lens) meters, 72–74
wildlife photography, 74
spotlit buildings as subject for night photography, 254
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