Godard, Jean-Luc, 76
Godin, Seth, 21, 108
Goldwyn, Samuel, 35
good conict, 19
Good to Great (Collins), 2, 15, 32
Gore, Al, 12, 21, 58, 72
use of humor, 219
Grishkovets, Evgeny, 233, 239
Guelman, Marat, 71–72
Han Xiang, 247
Handel, George, 36
handwriting fonts, 185
Hardt, Dick, 34, 55, 111, 184
personalized presentation, 70
Has, Wojciech Jerzy, 48
Hawking, Stephen, 278
Heath, Chip, 26, 94
Heath, Dan, 26, 94
Hegel, Georg, 15
Henry, Patrick, 63
in conict, 63–66
creation, 65
aws in, 67
in exposition, 84
monomyth, 78
The Hobbit (Tolkien), 64
hostility, in presentations, 230–231
How to Lie with Statistics, 158
human senses
conscious bandwidth, 10
neurophysiological research, 9
unconscious bandwidth, 10
humor, in delivery, 218–220
as confrontation, 228–229
by Gore, 219
Iacoboni, Marco, 234
icons, 128–129
IHMC CmapTools, 44
illustrations, in slides, 126–131
clip art, 127–128
emotionality, 127
icons, 128–129
infographics, 127, 130
levels of abstraction, 127
pictograms, 128–129
sources, 131
process maps, 129–130
images, in design, 188–191. See also
illustrations, in slides; photos,
in slides
formatting, 189–190
vector graphics, 190
pixilation, 189
proportions, 191
sizing, 189
with text, 191–195
consistency in, 193
gradients, 194–195
impact, in goal-setting, 29–31
improvisation, 245–251
authenticity, 248
contact, 258
context, 248–251
functional shifts, 245
mistakes and, 258–262
audience assistance for, 261
truth-telling, 245, 262–263
imprudence, 36–37
inciting incident, 76
An Inconvenient Truth, 12, 58, 86
infographics, 127, 130
interpersonal problems, 56–57
Izzard, Eddie, 249, 259
Jobs, Steve, 29, 33–34, 55–57, 69, 204
on conict with competition, 56–58
font use, 184
LATCH organization, 91, 95
presentations for
matrix slides, 141–143
personalized, 70
scale slides, 139
slide choice, 109
timelines, 89–90
second-act syndrome, 60–61
u story structure, 78
Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 205
Jurassic Park, 18
Kant, Immanuel, 15
Kawasaki, Gary, 34, 55, 61, 90, 207, 224
personalized presentation, 70
KeyNoteNF, 42
animation effects, 160
charts, 152–153
Master Slides, 113
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 34, 55
personalized presentation, 70
Kirov Oblast case study, in slides,
contrast, 169
editing, 170–171
focus, 169
Kitano, Takeshi, 78
Klein, Joe, 277–278
Kouzes, Jim, 247
Kukushkin, Mark, 205
Lapin, Andrei, 233, 249
LATCH organizational scheme, 90–97
alphabet, 94
category, 95
hierarchies, 96–97
for Jobs, 95
location, 91–93
metaphors, 91–93
process diagrams, 96
time, 95
The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes/
Posner), 247
learning from others, 232–240
choice of subject, 235
passion, 234–235
transcripts, 238–239
through video, 236–237
camera operation, 239–240
legends, in diagram slides, 135
Lessig, Lawrence, 34, 55, 111, 184
Libet, Benjamin, 33