Part 5 – Accessing the DVR menus
Press the MENU key which will bring up the LOGIN screen shown as Pic 5.1 and enter the admin password which is 123456 by default.
This will bring up the MAIN MENU screen in Pic 5.2. Use the Direction Keys (number 13 on the Front Panel diagram in Part 4) to move
the cursor, selected line will be highlighted. You use the BASIC CONFIG option to set time and date, the LIVE CONFIG option to adjust
the camera images, the RECORD CONFIG option to set up resolution, frame rate, and video quality and scheduled recordings, ALARM
CONFIG to set up motion or sensor alarm detection and recording, the PTZ CONFIG option to set up Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras, the
USER CONFIG option to set up users on the system, the NETWORK option to setup the unit for remote access, and the MANAGER
TOOLS option to access hard drive and system info, update firmware, and restore system defaults.
Part 6 – Setting up DVR to record
There are 3 modes for recording.
1. Manual Recording:
Push the RECORD button (number 5 on Front Panel in Part 4). It will start recording and will continue recording until you push the RECORD
button again to stop it. If the system is password protected it will ask for a password to stop recording.
2. Motion Detection Recording:
Follow instructions in Part 5 to go to MAIN MENU. Use the Direction Keys to select ALARM CONFIG (red box in Pic 6.1) and hit ENTER, This
will display the screen in Pic 6.2. Select the MOTION ALARM option (blue box), and hit ENTER. This will bring up the screen in Pic 6.3.
Use the Direction Keys to select the DETECTION option and hit the ENTER key to put a check mark in the box. Then go to the SENSITIVITY
option (green box) and hit ENTER to change the value from 1 to 8 with 8 being the most sensitive. Next go to the REC option and use the
ENTER key to put a check mark in the box to record on motion. Then use the Direction Keys to go to the SCHEDULE SETUP option (Red Box)
and hit ENTER. This will display the screen in Pic 6.4. You can put a check mark in the Whole Day box to record on motion all day, or use the
Direction Keys to go to a time period, hit ENTER to select hours or minutes, and then use the Number Add or Decrease Buttons (numbers 3 & 4
on Front Panel in Part 4) to set the hours and minutes. You can set it to record on motion during 4 different time periods per day. You can use
the COPY option to copy this setting to other days. Click OK and then go to the AREA SETUP option (Yellow Box) and hit ENTER to display the
dialog box in Pic 6.5. You can use the Direction Keys to select the ALL option and hit the ENTER key to make the entire camera area sensitive
to motion then the Escape Button (number 10 on Front Panel In Part 4) to save the selection. You can also select the CUSTOM option and use
the Direction Keys to select a certain area or areas and the ENTER key to save or cancel the area, and then the Escape Button to save the
selection and exit. You can then use the COPY option to copy these settings to other cameras.