LT-9279 TX3 Touch Software Patch Installation Instructions Rev. 0
LT-9279 TX3 Touch Software Patch Installation Instructions
LT-9279 TX3 Touch Software Patch Installation Instructions
The following procedures should be applied to existing Touch Screen units with software version V1.4.2. Both
sets of instruction must be performed.
For the Restart fix, perform the following upgrade procedure.
1. Copy the software patch “TX3-Touch V1-4-2 Patch2.exe” to a USB stick.
2. Enter into configuration mode by entering “9999”.
3. Select File > Shutdown > Exit to Windows.
4. Run the installer “TX3-Touch V1-4-2 Patch2.exe” from the USB stick until completion.
5. On the Desktop, run the Restart icon to restart the unit.
For MIC and Speaker setting:
1. Implement default setting for MIC and Speaker, MIC = 11 and Speaker = 5.