TThhiiss aapppplliiaannccee mmuusstt bbee iinnssttaalllleedd iinn ccoonnffoorrmmiittyy
wwiitthh tthhee aapppplliiccaabbllee rreegguullaattiioonnss aanndd uusseedd oonnllyy iinn aa
wweellll vveennttiillaatteedd aarreeaa.. CCoonnssuulltt tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ccaa--
rreeffuullllyy bbeeffoorree iinnssttaalllliinngg aanndd uussiinngg tthhiiss aapppplliiaannccee..
BBeeffoorree iinnssttaallllaattiioonn,, eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee
llooccaall ggaass ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ccoonnddiittiioonnss ((ttyyppee ooff ggaass aanndd
pprreessssuurree)) aanndd tthhee aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee
aarree aallll ccoommppaattiibbllee..
- The adjustment conditions of this
appliance are shown on the label glued
inside the housing.
- The combustion of the gas is made
possible by the oxygen in the air. It is
therefore necessary that the air should be re-
newed constantly and that the combustion pro-
ducts are removed (an air flow of 2m3 per hour for
each KW of power is necessary).
- This appliance is not connected to an eva-
cuation device for combustion
products. It must be installed and
connected in conformity with the
installation rules applicable and particular care
should be taken with regard to
- The heating of products as result of its ope-
ration places this cooker in class 1
(isolated appliance) or in class 2 - sub-class 1 (in-
corporable or non-incorporable, fig. 1) in accor-
dance with gas standard EN 30-1-1.
The gas connection is made at the rear of the
appliance, ensuring that the pipe is
nneevveerr iinn
ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee bbaacckk ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee
, that it
is not located in a spot where it is likely to
become blocked and that it cannot come into
contact with a moving item.
Regardless of the type or class of cooker,
and of whether it is a gas, combination or
electric appliance, the walls (rear and
adjacent) must be made from a heat resistant
material or coated with such a material.
FFlleexxiibbllee ttuubbeess oorr ppiippeess mmuusstt bbee aacccceessssiibbllee
aalloonngg tthheeiirr eennttiirree lleennggtthh,, rreeppllaacceedd bbeeffoorree tthheeiirr
eexxppiirryy ddaattee ((sshhoowwnn oonn tthhee ppiippee)),, aanndd hhaavvee aa
mmaaxxiimmuumm lleennggtthh ooff 22 mm..
Connection using a flexible pipe attached to
an end piece is
ssttrriiccttllyy ffoorrbbiiddddeenn
if the gas
installation is new or modified (replacement of
the gas supply tap).
This appliance's packaging material is
recyclable. Help recycle it and protect the
environment by dropping it off in the
municipal receptacles provided for this
Your appliance also contains a
great amount of recyclable
material. It is marked with this label
to indicate the used appliances
that should not be mixed with
other waste. This way, the
appliance recycling organised by
your manufacturer will be done under the
best possible conditions, in compliance with
European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Contact
your town hall or your retailer for the used
appliance collection points closest to your
We thank you doing your part to protect the