16/47 2829D_002-756e-06.21
ComoDataCenter Version 4.4 Type 2829D...
The following information are displayed on the main page:
Ring diagram
The ring diagram shows the proportions of the various batches within the
order based on the number of cycles. By clicking on a section in the ring chart,
the corresponding batch name and the number of cycles is called up.
Calendar display
The highlighted blue entry in the calendar display below the ring diagram
indicates when the selected batch was produced. This gives a quick overview
of production dates and how the batch sizes are distributed.
Batch-specific information table
Batch-specific information are displayed in the table below the calendar display.
The batch information table contains the following information from left to right.
The unique batch/history name
• batch name: is entered manually at the ComoNeo or
CoMo Injection device when starting a production
• history name: is created automatically
default- yyyymmddThhmmss
Device type Shows on which device type (ComoNeo or CoMo Injection)
the batch/history was produced
State The state of a batch/history can be running or closed. In con-
trast to the ‘state’ settings in the [Production] menu, the state
for the individual batches cannot be changed manually.
• When a batch is started on the ComoNeo/CoMo Injection
device and synchronized to the ComoDataCenter, the
state is ‘running’
• As soon as the batch is closed on the ComoNeo/CoMo In-
jection device, the state changes automatically to ‘closed’
It is therefore important to always end and close batches
properly on the ComoNeo/CoMo Injection device to pre-
vent inconsistencies.
First Cycle Date and time of the first cycle within the batch/default
Last Cycle Data and time of the last cycle within the batch/default
Nr. Cycles Number of cycles in the respective batch
Good Parts Number of good parts produced in the batch/default history
• The evaluation of the part depends on the result of the
EOs (evaluation objects) or the PREDICT result
• If no EOs are set or no PREDICT configured, all parts are
evaluated as bad
• These can be configured on the ComoNeo/CoMo Injec-
tion device
• For further information on quality evaluation can be found
in the
o ComoNeo software manual
o CoMo Injection instruction manual