3. Camera Mounting
Fig.4 shows the two camera mounting options available with the 504 environmental camera
Suitable for internal or external use. The unit is constructed from a hollow aluminium extrusion with
a steel end plate and scratch resistant polycarbonate window.
Access is gained by removing the 4 off tamperproof rear fixings and with-drawing the housing body
/ sunsheild as one assembly along the platform guides. The body can then be hung beneath the
platform whilst camera installation or maintenance is performed. Care must be taken to ensure the
rear gasket is over flush with the extrusion on re-sealing the housing. The bracket design
incorporates features that allow mounting to any surface between vertical and horizontal.
Features of the Type 504 include:
1. Integral universal mounting bracket
2. Tamperproof security fixings
3. Slide and hang facility for camera adjustment
4. Optional window demisting heater assembly (Type 504/WP)
5. Optional portrait mode camera mount. (Type 504/PM)
6. Conduit and / or cable gland entry.
7. Robust anti-vandal proof construction.
The information contained in this document is for guidance only.
Specification and availability of goods are subject to change without notice.
504 Installation Manual Page. 3
Fig.4 Camera Mounting
Thermostat Insulation Pad Earth Bond
Terminal Block
Ceramic Heater
Optional Portrait Mode Camera Platform
Standard Camera Mounting
Portrait Camera Mounting
Note: Mount camera with 1/4 UNC screw provided, through insulated bush, as shown. Making sure to
insert an insulation pad between camera body and platform components
Terminal Block
Heater Sheild