This paper provides instructions for updating an old RapidInstall Package (RIP) using Altiris Deployment
A RapidInstall Package (RIP) is a single executable file which installs software, files, or registry changes
and can be used to install patches or driver updates to a system. A RIP allows the administrator to install
software without the end user seeing any prompts or experiencing any disruption.
You must update any RIPs that were created with an older version of Altiris Deployment Solution. For
example, if you are running Altiris Deployment Solution 6.0, you must update RIPs created on Deployment
Solution 5.6. If you try to install an old RIP that was created with an older version of the Deployment
Server console than what is currently being used, you will encounter the following message:
"The RIP File version is old. You need to update it by using the RIPUpdate program in order to edit it."
NOTE: Once you update a RIP to a higher version, you will not be able to use that RIP with the old
Deployment Solution Console.
NOTE: Many of the drivers and patches posted on the HP thin client driver download website at
http://www.hp.com/support are already in RIP format and can be identified as "Altiris XPe Add-on". To
use these addons, download the appropriate softpaq from the web, edit the enclosed sample batch file as
needed, and deploy the addon by using the instructions in the "Building and Deploying RapidInstall Pack-
ages (RIPs) for HP Compaq t57x0 Thin Clients" white paper. The RIP package may have additional docu-
mentation on its use.
Updating a RIP
To update an old RIP, perform the following steps:
1. Open up RIPinstall on the Deployment Server Console.
2. Under Tools, select RIP Update.
3. Under File, select Single File and browse to the location of the file you wish to update.
4. Select the RIP you want to update.
5. Click Convert.
6. When asked if you want to replace the existing file name, click Yes.