Softpaq contents
When unbundled, the softpaq unpacks the following directories and files to the hard drive, which are
installed to the Altiris “express” directory.
• HP Sample Altiris jobs (directory)
•HP TC Linux Configuration.bin
• Linux (directory)
•HPCS (subdirectory)
- smbput.sh
- snapshot
- snapshot.conf.base
- tar
• Scripts (directory)
- HP_TC_Linux_bootorder.sh
- HP_TC_Linux_Capture_BIOSSettings.sh
- HP_TC_Linux_CaptureSettings.sh
- HP_TC_Linux_DeployBIOSSettings.sh
- HP_TC_Linux_DeploySettings.sh
HP sample Altiris jobs
The following list provides a sample of Altiris jobs that become available after softpaq installation:
• HP TC Capture BIOS Settings - Captures BIOS settings from source HP Compaq Linux thin client
to the Altiris server for storage. You must modify this job before first use to input the Altiris server IP
address, Altiris user name, and Altiris user password (see Figure 2).
• HP TC Capture Settings - Captures the client system settings and defined HP Connection Adminis-
trator connection settings from source HP Compaq Linux thin client to the Altiris server for storage. You
must modify this job before first use to input the Altiris server IP address, Altiris user name, and Altiris
user password (see Figure 3).
• HP TC Deploy BIOS Settings - Deploys BIOS settings to target HP Compaq Linux thin client previ-
ously captured from the Altiris console.
• HP TC Deploy Settings - Deploys system and HP Connection Administrator connection settings to
target HP Compaq Linux thin client previously captured from the Altiris console.
• HP TC Linux Bootorder - Sets the desired boot order on the Linux thin client. Choices include boot
from flash, boot from network, or boot from USB device in any order. You must modify this job before
use to input the desired boot order (see Figure 4).