If you experienced an issue with the authorization of your IRDs, please see below.
During the migration an uplink command transmitted by WealthTV HD may have not been received by all
IRDs and the VCT information within your Motorola IRD may be incorrect. The consequence of this error
is your IRD may need to be 'retuned' to the WealthTV satellite carrier. The fix is simple.
On DSR 4440, 4460 and 4410MD Units:
Choose Installation option from Main Menu
Choose Modulation menu
Choose L-Band (current value should be 1099)
Select L-Band, set to value to something other than 1099 or 1097.5 (1199 works well)
Select L-Band again, choose 1097.5
Put the cursor in the upper left corner of the menu and scroll down to the modulation page
Select mode DVB-S2 and Symbol rate 17.500
This should return the Signal Light to the IRD.
Return to the IRD main menu.
Choose Channel option from Main Menu
Choose VCT 758
Choose Channel number 200.
At this point, the IRD will re-acquire WealthTV HD. Confirm on downstream equipment.
WealthTV Contacts:
Byron Reagles, Uplink Engineer, byron.reagles@wealthtv.com
General Business Phone: 858-270-6900
Master Control Emergency 24/7 Line: 858-483-3460