Overview of the
vRealize Automation REST API 1
The vRealize Automation REST API provides consumer, administrator, and provider-level access to the
service catalog with the same services that support the vRealize Automation console user interface. You
can perform vRealize Automation functions programmatically by using REST API service calls.
The vRealize Automation REST API offers the following services and functions.
Table 1‑1. vRealize Automation REST API Services
Service Description
Advanced Designer Service Manage Advanced Service Designer elements such as forms, endpoints
vRealize Orchestrator workflows, and work items through the Advanced
Designer Service.
Approval Service Retrieve, create, update, and delete approval policies, policy types, policy
instances, and policy requests.
Branding Service Change the background and text colors, company logo, company name,
product name, tenant name, and other resources in the console.
Catalog Service Retrieve global and entitled catalog items, and entitlements for a catalog
item and its service that the current user can review. A consumer can
retrieve, edit, and submit a request form for a catalog item. A provider
can retrieve, register, update, and delete catalog items. Provision and
manage systems.
Component Registry Access and manage all services and serves as the central view for all
service lookups.
Event Log Service Provide a central location and a consistent way of recording events and
querying for events.
File Service Unused.
Identity Service Manage tenants, business groups, SSO and custom groups, users, and
identity stores.
Licensing Service Retrieve permissions and post serial keys.
Management Service Retrieve work item forms, callbacks, and tasks. Manage endpoint details
including tenant, password, user name, and endpoint URL. Retrieve
performance metrics. Retrieve and cancel reclamation requests.
Notification Service Configure and send notifications for several types of events such as the
successful completion of a catalog request or a required approval.
Plug-in Service Retrieve, create, update, and delete a resource. Retrieve an extension.
Retrieve license notifications.
VMware, Inc. 7