Read a vCloud Automation Center Model Entity
You can run a workflow to read the vCloud Automation Center model entity.
Verify that you have the permissions to perform this task.
1 From the drop-down menu in the Orchestrator client, select Run or Design.
2 Click the Workflows view.
3 In the hierarchical list of workflows, select Library > vCloud Automation Center and navigate to the
Read a vCAC model entity workflow.
4 Right-click the Read a vCAC model entity workflow and select Start workflow.
5 Select a vCloud Automation Center host.
6 In the Model name text box, type the model name.
7 In the Entity set name text box, type the entity set name.
The HTTP headers property is set by using scripting or REST API.
8 Click Submit to run the workflow.
Using the vCloud Automation Center Plug-In Extensibility Workflows
The workflows in the Extensibility package let you customize vCloud Automation Center with the abilty to
call vCenter Orchestrator workflows either as part of the provisioning process, or by custom operation
You can access these workflows from Library > vCloud Automation Center > Extensibility in the
Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Workflow Name Description
Install vCO customization Installs an Orchestrator customization including customized state
change workflow stubs and Orchestrator menu operation workflows.
Uninstall vCO customization Uninstalls an Orchestrator customization including customized state
change workflow stubs and Orchestrator menu operation workflows.
Register a vCAC Virtual Machine Registers a virtual machine in vCloud Automation Center by assigning
the necessary properties and links.
Register a vCenter Virtual Machine Creates a vCloud Automation Center virtual machine and sets it
manageable by assigning necessary properties and links.
Unregister Virtual Machine Removes a virtual machine from the vCloud Automation Center
Assign a menu operation to a blueprint and its
virtual machines
Adds or updates a menu operation on virtual machines.
Assign a menu operation to virtual machines Updates a vCloud Automation Center model entity by its ID.
Assign a state change workflow to a blueprint
and its virtual machines
Adds or updates a state change workflow on several blueprints and
their virtual machines.
Customize a menu operation Updates a vCloud Automation Center operation menu.
Chapter 3 Using the vCloud Automation Center Plug-In
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