When you have pressed OK, you will see the Stock Take Group that you have just created.
You then need to assign the stock take sessions to the group, to do this press group name to
highlight the group, you will then see several buttons appear in the centre of the screen.
If you then press Add , a Stock Take session will be
created and the time and date will be displayed.
If you highlight the date and then select Edit, a new Scan
screen will appear for you to scan a barcode.
Now type the quantity in and select Update.
You are now ready to scan the next product.
When you have finished your stocktake session press Back. To add more products to the session
touch the Time and date of the session again and select Edit. You can now continue to scan
products and type in the amount of stock you have. If you have finished all sessions and want to
commit the group, press Commit.
If you make a mistake you can always delete that product line by touching and holding the line you
want to delete until you are offered the option of deleting the line.
When you have finished editing a group of sessions you need to select the group and select Commit.
You will be asked if you are sure you wish to Commit this Stock Take Group. Only then will your
figures on the till be updated.
When you have finished you can print that stock session report by pressing the Print Stock Session
button on the till or Back Office.
The Stock Take figures will overwrite the existing stock figure in the system. This is unlike any other of the
stock management functions on the hand held scanner or the till system. With this in mind, it means that
when you are doing a stock take, it is much easier to do the stock take when the shop is not open to
customers, so that the figures that you enter are not changed due to a customer having removed a product
from the shelf but not yet paid at the till.
Also in Stock Control you can perform Goods in,
Remove Out of Date stock, Remove stock that is not
selling, remove stock that is being returned to a
supplier or remove stock that is damaged. To do this,
when you have selected Stock Control, touch the drop
down box by Stock Take and touch the function you
When you have selected the function, you will then
need to either select a supplier that you have been
using or select New and choose a supplier from the
drop down box. You can now start scanning barcodes.
If you now fill in the appropriate field and then press
update, your stock will be updated.