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5. Serial Interface (optional)
When using the serial interface, the optional Serial-Parallel Converter must be connected to the printer.
5-1. General Specifications
Interface RS-232C-level
Synchronization Asynchronous
Baud rate 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS (selectable)
Word length
Start bit 1
Data bits 7 or 8 (selectable)
Parity bit Odd, even, none (selectable)
Stop bits One or more
Signal polarity
Mark Logical 1 (-3V to -15V)
Space Logical 0 (+3V to +15V)
Handshaking DTR, XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK
Data buffer 8 kbytes (standard)
Interface RS-232C-level only
Synchronization Asynchronous
Baud rate 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS (selectable)
Word length
Start bit 1
Data bits 7 or 8 (selectable)
Parity bit Odd, even, none (selectable)
Stop bits One or more
Signal polarity
Mark Logical 1 (–3V to –15V)
Space Logical 0 (+3V to +15V)
Handshaking DTR, XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK
Data buffer 8 kbytes (standard)
RS-232C Interface
Synchronization Asynchronous
Baud rate 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS (selectable)
Word length
Start bit 1
Data bits 7 or 8 (selectable)
Parity bit Odd, even, none (selectable)
Stop bits One or more
Signal polarity
Mark Logical 1 (–3V to –15V)
Space Logical 0 (+3V to +15V)
Handshaking DTR, XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK
Data buffer 32 kbytes (standard)
RS-422A Interface
Synchronization Asynchronous
Baud rate 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 , 38400, 76800 BPS (selectable)
Word length
Start bit 1
Data bits 7 or 8 (selectable)
Parity bit Odd, even, none (selectable)
Stop bits One or more
Signal polarity
Mark Logical 1 (A is –0.2 V or less than B)
Space Logical 0 (A is +0.2 V or more than B)
Handshaking DTR, XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK
Data buffer 32 kbytes (standard)