Designer’s Guide
© ELAN HOME SYSTEMS • 2012 • ELAN Home Systems and g!are registered trademarks of The AVC Group, LLC • Carlsbad, CA USA
Sub zones start life as a zone but are then attached to another zone in the Configurator.
A sub zone shares source selection and power status with the master zone but has
independent volume control. An example of this would be a master bedroom and sitting
area. The master bedroom is the master zone, and the sitting area is the sub zone. Either
area can select the source or turn the system on/off, but each area has independent
volume control from any of the g! interfaces.
In addition to common areas, each with their own zone adjustments, another sub zone
scenario that the S1616A makes possible is a master zone with variable output and a
sub zone with fixed level outputs. This is useful in an area where you don’t need a
touch screen interface, such as a dining room, but you want to have constant volume level.
Each zone has many settings that allow you to distinctly tailor the system to your
clients’ needs.
Whole House Music (WHM)
WHM allows you to link all included zones together with the touch of a single button from
the Settings screen. When linked, all zones share source selection and power status
while retaining individual volume control. WHM is deactivated at power down, when a
zone group is selected, or when it is deactivated on the Settings screen. Any zone may be
included or excluded in WHM.
Zone Group
Zone Groups are similar to WHM but on a smaller scale. They allow you to conveniently
link zones together without affecting the entire system. Common area zones such as
the entertaining areas, outdoor areas or master suite could be included in a zone group.
Activated through the Settings page, a zone group links all the zones in the group together
for source selection and power status while retaining individual volume control. The zone
group link is deactivated at power down, when WHM is selected, or when it is deactivated
in the Settings page. A zone may be included in one of the 8 zone groups or none.
Turn On Volumes
Minimum and Maximum volumes are selectable to allow the system to perform
predictably for your client when the zone is turned on. Maximum lowers the volume if it
was too loud when they turned it off. Minimum volume prevents them from thinking the
system is not working because the volume is too low when they select a source.
Bass, Treble & Loudness
Turn on settings may be established per zone. You can select from a specific level or
retain the last setting. If you do not include a Settings page on the user interfaces, then
the turn on settings will be the permanent settings for the zone.
Do Not Disturb
Overrides the paging and doorbell and WHM actions. It can be set to on, off or last.
C2 Status
Provides for the inclusion or exclusion in paging and doorbell from the C2
Communications Controller.