PVC Addendum to the 9A686-04/9A656-04 Configuration Guide
9033126-01 Page 12 of 43
If the modules in Figure 4 were 9A656-04s, the user would create PVCs between the
following interfaces:
From interface 10103 (port 3 of ANIM 1 of the 9A656-04 installed in slot 1) to interface
11502 (interface number of the CTM interface of the slot 1 9A656-04 that is connected
to the 9A656-04 installed in slot 14, refer to Table 4).
From 140101 (port 1 of ANIM 1 of the 9A656-04 installed in slot 14) to 140901
(interface number of the CTM interface of the slot 14 9A656-04 that is connected to the
9A656-04 installed in slot 1, refer to Table 4).
The following two examples take place in a 6-slot SmartSwitch 9500. In this case, each
module has two connections to each module connected to the CTM. For PVC creation
across the backplane, the user may choose either of the two interfaces that connect to
the desired module for ONE side of the connection. Once this first CTM interface is
chosen, the second side MUST use the CTM interface that directly connects to the
CTM interface of the first side. For example, if the user wanted to create a PVC
between slot 1 and slot 6 of the chassis, the user could choose between slot 1’s
applicable front panel interface and CTM interfaces 10704 or 10801. These are the two
interfaces that have direct connections with the slot 6 module. If the user selects
interface 10704 for the FIRST side, then the SECOND side of the PVC (the slot 6
module) MUST create a PVC between the its applicable front panel interface and CTM
interface 60502. This is the CTM Interface that has direct connection with CTM
interface 10704. If the user selects CTM interface 60503, the PVC will NOT connect
across the backplane.
If the modules in Figure 4 were 9A656-04s installed in slots 1 and 6 of a 6-slot
SmartSwitch 9500 chassis, the user would create PVCs between the following
From interface 10103 (port 3 of ANIM 1 of the 9A656-04 installed in slot 1) to interface
11401 (interface number of the CTM interface of the slot 1 9A656-04 that is connected
to the 9A656-04 installed in slot 6, refer to Table 6).
From 60101 (port 1 of ANIM 1 of the 9A656-04 installed in slot 6) to 60901 (interface
number of the CTM interface of the slot 6 9A656-04 that is connected to the 9A656-04
installed in slot 1, refer to Table 6).
If the modules in Figure 4 were 9A686-04s installed in slots 1 and 6 of a 6-slot
SmartSwitch 9500 chassis, the user would create PVCs between the following
From interface 10103 (port 3 of ANIM 1 of the 9A686-04 installed in slot 1) to interface
10801 (interface number of the CTM interface of the slot 1 9A686-04 that is connected
to the 9A686-04 installed in slot 6, refer to Table 7).
From 60101 (port 1 of ANIM 1 of the 9A686-04 installed in slot 6) to 60503 (interface
number of the CTM interface of the slot 6 9A686-04 that is connected to the 9A686-04
installed in slot 1, refer to Table 7).