EVCO S.p.A. Vcolor 388 | Installer manual ver. 1.0 | Code 144VC388E104
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1 INTRODUCTION .................................. 4
1.1 Product description ............................. 4
1.2 Models available and technical features . 5
2.1 Format features .................................. 8
2.2 Control module measurements and
installation ......................................... 8
2.3 User interface measurements ............... 8
2.4 User interface installation .................. 10
2.5 Installation precautions ..................... 10
3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ................. 11
3.1 Vcolor 388M electrical connection ....... 11
3.2 Vcolor 388L electrical connection ........ 12
3.3 Precautions for electrical connection ... 13
4 FIRST-TIME USE ............................... 13
4.1 First-time use .................................. 13
5 OPERATION ..................................... 14
5.1 Initial information ............................. 14
5.2 Locked display ................................. 14
5.3 Splash screen .................................. 14
5.4 Stand-by screen ............................... 14
5.5 Configuration screen ......................... 15
5.6 Delayed start screen ......................... 16
5.7 Home screen .................................... 18
5.8 Change chamber setpoint screen ........ 19
5.9 Cycle settings/start-up screen ............ 19
6 MANAGING LOADS ........................... 24
6.1 Initial information ............................. 24
6.2 Burner ............................................ 24
6.3 Chimney damper for combustion fume
extraction ........................................ 24
6.4 Suction hood .................................... 24
6.5 Chamber light .................................. 24
6.6 Steam injection ................................ 24
6.7 Venting ........................................... 25
6.8 Buzzer ............................................ 25
6.9 Sound ............................................. 25
6.10 Electronics compartment fan .............. 25
6.11 Fan motor ........................................ 25
6.12 Type 1 or 2 burner block reset ........... 25
PARAMETERS ................................... 26
8 ALARM MANAGEMENT ....................... 31
9 CONNECTIVITY ................................. 34
9.1 Initial information ............................. 34
9.2 EPoCA cloud platform ........................ 35
10 USING THE USB PORT ....................... 36
10.1 Initial information ............................. 36
10.2 Uploading the recipe settings ............. 36
10.3 Downloading the recipe settings ......... 36
10.4 Uploading the settings in the configuration
parameters ...................................... 36
10.5 Downloading the settings in the
configuration parameters ................... 36
10.6 Uploading CSV files to personalise the
graphics, recipes and languages ......... 36
11 ACCESSORIES .................................. 37
11.1 2 relay expansion ............................. 37
11.2 Safety transformer ............................ 37
11.3 Non-optoisolated RS-485/USB serial
interface .......................................... 37
11.4 USB plug for panel installation ............ 37
11.5 Connecting cables ............................. 37
11.6 Buzzer expansion.............................. 38
11.7 4GB USB flash drive .......................... 38
11.8 EVlinking Wi-Fi RS-485 module .......... 38
11.9 EV3 Web gateway ............................. 38
12.1 Technical data .................................. 39