Dedicated Micros ©2006
EQ Constant Value equal to a constant value
NE Constant Value not equal to a constant value
Note: Each of the options above will open a data input box to allow a constant value to be added
LE Value Value less than or equal to another detected value
GE Value Value greater than or equal to another detected value
LT Value Value strictly less than another detected value
GT Value Value strictly greater than another detected value
EQ Value Value equal to another detected value
NE Value Value not equal to another detected value
RATIO The ratio of one detected value to another is greater than a
defined constant
Note: Each of the rules that require a comparison will enable a comparison drop down box
END TRANS Detecting this value indicates the end of a transaction. The
defined constant value indicates the timeout period that will
be applied to the transaction (use 0.00 to disable the timeout
OUT OF HOURS On detection of the value an out-of-hours check will be
TILL EVENT Value indicates a till event (no monetary value is required)
IN HOURS On detection of the value an in-hours check will be
SUMMARY On detection of the value a summary of the transaction so far
will be generated.
MASK LINE Masks the line containing the detected string
MASK AMOUNTS Masks any monetary amounts in the line containing the
detected string
MASK LAST AMOUNT Masks the last monetary amount in the line containing the
detected string
MASK FIRST AMOUNT Masks the first monetary amount in the line containing the
detected string
MASK_START The line containing the detected string and subsequent
lines will be masked until an END TRANS or MASK_END is
MASK_END Ends the masking of lines
BLACKLIST Advanced function that allows the detection of ìblacklistedî
strings (for instance credit card numbers)
AUX LT Advanced function that allows checking of an auxiliary (non
monetary) value for being less than a constant
AUX GT Advanced function that allows checking of an auxiliary (non
monetary) value for being greater than a constant
AUX RATIO Advanced function that allows checking of the ratio of an
auxiliary (non monetary) value to a detected value being
greater than a defined constant
Once a condition for comparison has been set, the items to be compared need to be entered. These are
selected from the Monetary Values set up in the Definitions window, see Definitions
The ‘Once per transaction’ tickbox indicates that the alert should only be issued once in a transaction. For
instance, it may be used to prevent multiple ‘High voucher transaction’ alerts where the voucher values are
summed from reporting multiple times, see Modifiers. If the tickbox is not enabled then the alert would be issued
when the voucher value first reaches the threshold and then again each time a voucher was subsequently
scanned (as the value would again exceed the threshold).
The software allows is capable of allowing a limited number of restricted transactions occour without report. If
this limit is exceeded within the set time frame, it will then generate an alert. Use the ‘Report after’ drop down
box to set the number of alerts, and use the ‘activations in’ drop down box to set the time frame.
The ‘Alert String’ text box holds the description of the alert. This text will be passed to the DVR and recorded
along with the image.