MCO 305 Command Reference
__ Command Reference __
14 MG.34.R1.02 – VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark
Summary Initializes the necessary objects (PDOs) for data exchange of CANopen nodes, or
enables extended CANINI, CANIN function.
Syntax CANINI no, no, no, …,
CANINI no, no, 999, no
is also possible, but only in the same command. The next new command would
delete the previous parameters.
Parameter no = guard * (busoffset * 1000 + id)
guard = –1, +1 (without / with guarding)
busoffset = 100000 , 0 (slave bus, master bus)
Samples for CANINI values:
Deletes any objects, which were formerly assigned using the
CANINI command.
enables reception of all TPDO1s (0x181-0x1FF) by interrupt and
stores every received PDO in a buffer with a depth of 1.
1…127 CAN I/O with bus ID 1…127 with guarding
-1…–127 CAN I/O with bus ID 1…127 without guarding
Description The CANINI command establishes contact with CAN devices and creates permanent
corresponding CAN objects in order to be able to communicate (using PDO) with
these devices. The advantage is that these input modules can also be used for
interrupt functions without permanent bus load due to status polling.
If you do not need any interrupts, then you can accelerate the processing of the IN
and INB commands with CANINI, since the corresponding devices send these
information autonomously every time a change of state happens.
It is strongly recommended to “guard” (i.e. CANINI > 0) any CAN devices, which
are initialized using CANINI. That is the only way to make sure, that the device is
still present and takes part in bus communication. If one device is no longer
present, then an error 188 is triggered by the missing feedback of the GUARD
object. An error routine, defined with ON ERROR can react to such an error state.
When CANINI is executed for drives, the corresponding PDO is created and also the
SYNC object if necessary. If guarding is started, a guarding telegram is sent every
20 ms to one device. If for example 4 devices are guarded, it takes 80 ms to check
each device once. No response within 100 ms indicates an error 188 (guarding
A maximum of 16 modules can be stored internally.
Every new CANINI command reinitializes all objects which were assigned before
with CANINI, i.e. guarding (GUARD) is stopped and also SYNC telegrams. This is
not true, if there are permanent objects from par. 32-00 or 32-30 Incremental
Signal Type. These objects will still remain, like the internal automatically created
PDOs corresponding to the definition of parameters 32-00 and 32-30 Incremental
Signal Type.
The CANINI command starts all modules synchronously, i.e. for every module a
NMT0 message is sent to set the module on the status “operational”.
If a CANINI fails, it is possible to read the SYSVAR 67 [0x01220244] GuardErrorId
to find out which id caused the problem.
Portability Command is available starting with MCO 5.00.