D – Dial command
Supported by:
TDW-33 TD-36 TD-36 485 TR-36 TR-36B
The ATD command is used for data or fax call.
For a data or a fax call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product:
ATD<nb> where <nb> represents a dial string composed of dial characters and
dial modifiers.
The dial characters include the decimal values 0 through 9, letters A,B,C,D, and the
symbols “*” and “#”.
Dial modifier description:
Separator Name Functionality
, Commaseparator Insert a pause in dialing procedure
$ Bongtonesepator A bong tone needs to be detected before
dialing continues
; Returncmdseparator Return to command state
/ waitsepator Waits for 0.125 seconds
: PABX Wait for PABX tone
+ Insert shortkey
? Delimiter Delimiter between number to be dialed (P#)
and PSTN security access password
W Wait Wait for dial tone before processing to next
character in the dial string
= Secdialsep. Wait for second dialtone
& Wait for credit card Wait for credit card dialing tone before
dialing tone continuing with the dial string. If the tone is
not detected within the time specified by S6
or S7, the modem will abort the rest of the
sequence, return on-hook, and generate an
error message.
@ Quietseparator Wait for second dialtone
L RE-dial The L must be immediately after the D with
last dialed number all characters ignored.
P Select pulse dialing Pulse dial the numbers that follow until a “T”
is encountered.
\ Select pulse dialing
T Select Tone dialing Pulse dial the numbers that follow until a “P”
is encountered.
S = n Dial Stored Number Dial the number stored in the directory
n = 0 to 3
! Flash The modem will go on-hook the time
specified in S29.