Edit the Torrent Server firewall tables to allow the LAN port IP
When connecting through a LAN, the rewall seings of an Ion S5™, Ion GeneStudio™
S5, or Ion GeneStudio™ S5 Plus Sequencer with an embedded Torrent Server need to
be modied for both DHCP and Static LAN connections.
Note: When directly connected, instruments are on the 192.168.20x.x subnet from
which all trac is enabled, so modication of rewall seings is not required.
Any exception would mean that editing the local rewall tables to include the LAN IP
is required. Also, if the Ion Chef™ Instrument is geing a DHCP address from your
network, you need to create an exception for the entire DHCP subnet.
Consult your system administrator or Thermo Fisher Field Service Engineer (FSE) or
Field Application Specialist (FAS) for this procedure. On the Ion S5™, Ion
GeneStudio™ S5, or Ion GeneStudio™ S5 Plus Sequencer with an embedded Torrent
Server, edit the /etc/iptables.custom le and add a rewall rule to allow all trac from
the IP address of the Ion Chef™ Instrument. (This is a blank le initially and is
intended for custom rewall conguration.)
IMPORTANT! Only edit the /etc/iptables.custom le and not /etc/iptables.rules,
because /etc/iptables.rules is overwrien when software is updated.
1. Enter sudo^nano^/etc/iptables.custom, then add the three lines below:
-A INPUT -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -j ACCEPT
Note: -A INPUT -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -j ACCEPT adds the rule to the
format. Enter the IP address of the Ion Chef™ instrument in place of
"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". When nished editing, save changes by pressing CTRL +
O and CTRL + X.
2. After this command, manually apply the change:
Note: You can also list the rewall rules with: sudo^iptables-L.
If this command returns with no output, it means it succeeded.
3. If the Ion Chef™ Instrument is geing a DHCP address from your network, create
the exception for the entire DHCP subnet.
The example below assumes that the DHCP address for the Ion Chef™
Instrument is and the DHCP subnet range is to Add these three lines:
Create a firewall
exception for the
Torrent Server
Chapter 3 Connections between the Ion S5™ or Ion GeneStudio™ S5 Systems and the Ion Chef™ Instrument
Edit the Torrent Server firewall tables to allow the LAN port IP
Ion Chef
Instrument Network Connection User Guide