AS/NZS 3718:2005
LIC. 20081
Licence No.Licence No. 0124
Wat er Consu mpt ion
The mor e
star s t he mor e
wa ter ef f icient
w w w . w a t e r ra t i n g . go v . a u
litre s pe r m inut e
When tes ted in accor dan ce w it h Star dard A S/N ZS 6400
For mo re i nfo rma tion a nd to co mpar e
produ cts, ref er to :
A j oint g over nme nt an d ind ustr y pr ogra m
Wat er Cons umpt ion
The mor e
star s t he mor e
wa ter ef fi cient
w w w . w a t e r ra t i n g . go v . a u
litre s p er m inut e
When tes ted in acco rdan ce wit h S tan dar d AS /NZS 640 0
For mo re in for mat ion and t o co mpa re
produ cts,
refe r to :
A j oint g over nme nt an d ind ustr y pr ogr am
Licence No.Licence N o. 0124
Water Consumption
The mo re
stars the mo re
water efficient
litres per minute
When tested in accordance with Standard AS/NZS 6400
For more information and to compare
produ cts, refer to:
A joint government and industr y program
Licence No. 0124
POL Basin Set
POL Basin Mixer
POL Basin Mixer Extended
POL Sink Mixer
( Twin Handle )
Licence No.Licence No. 0124
Wat er Consu mpt ion
The mor e
star s t he mor e
wa ter ef f icient
w w w . w a t e r ra t i n g . go v . a u
litre s pe r m inut e
When tes ted in accor dan ce w it h Star dard A S/N ZS 6400
For mo re i nfo rma tion a nd to co mpar e
produ cts, ref er to :
A j oint g over nme nt an d ind ustr y pr ogra m
POL Sink Mixer
( Single Lever )
POL Shower Head
POL Hand Held Shower
-The In-wall (Body Mixer) is supplied and is to be used in conjunction with this Tapware.
-Secure a nogging 32mm (i) back from the front of the stud. Attach the Wall Body Mixer to the nogging.
-Ensure the Body Mixer mounted is square and parallel between the Wall Studs.
-For the purpose of the illustration, the thickness of the finished Wall coverings is calculated to be 28mm (ii)
-See step 1 for rough in configuration.
-Tapware is to be installed by a Licensed Plumber in accordance with AS/NZS 3500:2021
-Recommended working water pressure 300 - 500 Kpa. Maximum water temperature is 65°C
-After installation, ensure that tapware functions correctly without leaks.
-Please ensure a copy of the Installation Instructions are left with the end user for future reference.
On-site high pressure line testing must be conducted with the Mixer in the closed position. (STATIC TEST ONLY)
Under no circumstances is the Mixer to be opened when exceeding the maximum stated water pressure.
At the completion of the testing, do not relieve any high pressure by opening the Mixer.
Exposing the internals of the Mixer Cartridge to higher than specified water pressures, will void the manufacturer's
Progressive Wall Mixer
Product code
Plumber note
Pressure testing
-(A) Handle
-(B) Spindle Adapter
-(C) Spindle Extention
-(D) Dress Ring
-(E) Spindle
Product parts
While we aim to ensure the specifications shown are correct at time of printing, Sussex Taps reserves the right to make modifications without prior notice.
Always use the physical product for accurate measurements. Dimensions are subject to change without notice. All measurements are shown in millimetres.
Copyright © Sussex Taps sussextaps.com.au