1. General 7
1.1. Konftel CC200 configuration .....................7
1.2. Message Format ..............................................7
1.2.1. Serial port message format ........................ 8
1.2.2. IP message format ......................................... 8
2. Initialization Messages 9
2.1. Init Protocol (IP) ...............................................9
2.2. End Protocol (IE) ............................................10
2.3. Init Protocol Error (IR) .................................10
3. Terminal Configuration 11
3.1. Terminal Generic Command (TA) .............11
3.2. Terminal Date & Time (TT) .......................... 16
3.3. Terminal Date & Time Extended (TB) .....16
3.4. Terminal Call/Answer Mode (TC) ............. 18
3.5. Terminal User Setting (TU) .........................19
3.6. Terminal Video Camera
Parameters (TV) ............................................20
3.7. Terminal Monitor Settings (TG) ............... 27
3.8. Terminal Monitor
Settings Extended (TS) ............................... 28
3.9. Terminal Audio Delay (TY) .......................... 31
3.10. Terminal Mode Settings (TH) ....................31
3.11. Terminal Mode Settings Extended (TF) 34
3.12. Terminal Capabilities Settings (TI) ..........36
3.13. Terminal Location Parameters (TL) ....... 40
3.14. Terminal Location
Parameters Extended (TQ) ........................41
3.15. Terminal MCU configuration (TM) (NOT
3.16. Terminal Encryption
Configuration (TO) ....................................... 47
3.17. Terminal License Management (TW) ... 48
3.20. Terminal presentation
configuration (TD) ........................................59
3.21. Telepresence configuration (TP) ........... 60
3.22. Recording Settings (TJ) ............................... 61
3.23. Terminal Error Indication (TE) ................. 64
4. Network Configuration 65
4.1. Network IP Configuration (NL) ............... 65
4.2. Network IP Configuration
Extended (ND) ...............................................66
4.3. Protocol SIP Configuration (NM) ...........68
4.4. Network NAT & Dynamic
Ports Setting (NT) ........................................ 72
4.5. Network LAN Settings (NB) ..................... 74
4.6. Network Protocols Setting (NA) ............ 74
4.7. Network LAN H.323 Setting (NH) ......... 75
4.8. Network Gatekeeper
Authentication Setting (NJ) ..................... 78
4.9. Network SNMP Management (NS) ....... 78
4.10. Network QoS Management (NQ) ......... 80
4.11. Network ISDN Configuration (NO) ....... 82
4.12. Predefined Party Configuration (NP) ...83
4.13. Network Web Management (NK) .......... 84
4.14. Network Presence
Configuration (NR) .......................................85
4.15. Network Error Indication (NE) ................86
5. Terminal Extension
Configuration 88
5.1. Web Video Configuration (RW) ..............88
5.2. Download Configuration (RD) .................88
5.3. Netlog Configuration (RN) .......................89
5.4. Audio Analyzer Configuration (RA) ...... 90
5.5. Equinox Management
Configuration (RS).........................................91
5.6. Certificate Configuration (RC) ................91
5.7. SSH Configuration (RH) .............................92
5.8. Telnet Configuration (RT) .......................... 93
5.9. Terminal MSS configuration (RM) ..........93
5.10. Enhanced Access Security Gateway
(EASG) Configuration (RG) ......................95
5.11. Calendar Credential
Configuration (RF) .......................................95
5.12. Streaming Configuration (RI) ...................96
5.13. Terminal Extension Configuration
Error Indication (RE) .................................... 97
6. Phone Directory Configuration 99
6.1. File Descriptor (DF) ..................................... 99
6.2. Read Record with index (DR) ...................99
6.2. Read Record with index (DR) ................ 100
6.3. Read Record with index (DL) .................. 102
6.5. Insert New Record (DI) ............................106
6.6. Recent Call General
Descriptor (DQ) .......................................... 107
6.7. Read recent calls Info
with index (DT) .............................................108
6.8. Delete recent calls item (DV) .................110
6.9. Export recent call file (DH) ......................110
6.10. Generic LDAP information (DG) ............112
6.11. Insert new LDAP server (DS) ...................112
6.12. Read LDAP server
configuration (DP) ....................................... 115
6.13. Modify LDAP server
configuration (DM) ....................................... 117