This reference guide describes your iPAQ H3000 Pocket PC hardware, provides an over-
view of the programs on your iPAQ H3000, and explains how to connect your iPAQ
H3000 to a computer, a network, or the Internet. For instructions on setting up your iPAQ
H3000, see the Getting Started card. For instructions on installing ActiveSync, see the
booklet accompanying the ActiveSync CD. The following table is a guide to additional
information to help you use your iPAQ H3000:
For information on: See this source:
Programs on your iPAQ
This reference guide and iPAQ H3000 Help. To
view Help, tap then Help.
Additional programs that
can be installed on your
iPAQ H3000
The Extras folder, located on the ActiveSync
CD. -or-
The Virtual Tour, located on the Compaq
Software and Reference Guide CD.
Connecting to and
synchronizing with a
The ActiveSync booklet or online ActiveSync
Help on your computer. To view online Help,
open Microsoft ActiveSync on your computer,
then select Help, Microsoft ActiveSync Help.
Last-minute updates and
The Read Me files, located in the Microsoft
ActiveSync folder on the computer and on the
ActiveSync CD.
Up-to-date information
on Windows-powered
devices including tips
Microsoft Windows Powered Home Page
The latest information
and offers for your iPAQ
Compaq Handheld Home Page
Information on iPAQ
accessories and ordering
Accessories Information
Tips and troubleshooting
Online ActiveSync Help on your computer. To
view the online Help, open Microsoft Active-
Sync on your computer, then select Help,
Microsoft ActiveSync Help. -or-
Appendix A (Tips and Troubleshooting), in this
reference guide. -or-
Compaq iPAQ Support Home Page
Technical support and
your warranty
The How Do I Get Service and Support for My
Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC? card.