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Scanning technology has changed dramatically over
the years. The WS1065 scanner with Object Oriented
User Interface is designed to help the hobbyist build a
collection of channels to scan:
• Start small and expand
• Organize channels and talkgroups
• Remove unwanted channels and talkgroups
What is Object Oriented Scanning?
Programming scanning receivers can be challenging,
but object-oriented programming simplifies the
process by using common conventions for scanning
concepts that have common characteristics.
A Scannable Object is any defined item that can be
scanned or monitored, including:
• Conventional, non-trunked radio frequencies
• Talkgroups used on a trunked radio system
• Radio services
• Defined searches
Because scannable objects are defined by the same
basic elements, the Object Oriented User Interface
(OOUI) is designed to simplify scanning by managing
all scannable objects similarly. When you learn how to
program one type of object, you can program other
types of scannable objects as well.
Searching ......................................................35
Limit Search Object (LMIT) ........................................37
Service Search Object (SRVC) ...................................39
Spectrum Sweeper Object (SWPR) ...........................41
Weather Features .........................................43
SAME Standby ..........................................................43
Configuring ..................................................46
Using V-Scanner Storage ..........................................49
Initializing Global Settings ........................................51
Initializing to Factory Defaults...................................52
Configuration Shortcuts ............................................53
Manual Programming Guide ........................54
Conventional Objects (CONV) .................................. 55
Trunking System (TSYS) Object ................................ 57
Talkgroup (TGRP) Object ..........................................59
Duplicating Objects ..................................................61
No Scan List ..............................................................61
Deleting Objects .......................................................62
Memory Usage ..........................................................62
Hit Counter ..............................................................63
Specifications ..............................................64
Frequency Coverage ................................................67
Maintenance .................................................68
Birdie Frequencies ....................................................68
PC Interface ................................................. 69
FCC Statement .........................................................71
Limited Warranty .......................................................72