Fanatec® is a registered trademark of Endor AG
Designed and developed by Endor AG in Germany
Please download and install the latest PC driver and
wheel base rmware before mounting the CSL P1
for Xbox One. You can obtain it at Fanatec’s website
(www.fanatec.com) in the download section.
- Align wheel base axle,
to correct position
- Slide steering wheel
onto wheel base axle
- Slide steering wheel off wheel
base axle
- Turn out the xing screw and
open clamp ring mechanism,
use only the Allen Key which
comes with the steering wheel!
- Use clamp ring screw (M6 x 18mm at head)
and Allen Key from box content
- Store clamp ring screw and Allen Key safely
- Push steering wheel
until the screw hole
matches with hole on
wheel base axle
- Turn the steering wheel top side down to see the bottom
side of the clamp ring to follow next step below
- Turn in screw to x
clamp ring mechanism,
use only the Allen Key which
comes withe the steering wheel!
IMPORTANT: Tighten only by using the
short lever of Allen Key!
Button Button no. PC Function PS3 Function PS4 Xbox One
LT 8 L2 L2 LT 100% (brake)
RT 7 R2 R2 RT 100% (accelerator)
LSB 12 L3 L3 LSB -> LB (shift down)
RSB 11 R3 R3 RSB -> RB (shift up)
10 Start Options MENU
9 Select Touch Pad Button VIEW
A 2 Cross Cross A
B 3 Circle Circle B
X 1 Square Square X
Y 4 Triangle Triangle Y
Shifter Paddle L 6 L1 L1 LB
Shifter Paddle R 5 R1 R1 RB
D-pad press 26 - Game Specific 2 Horn
D-pad left D-pad left D-pad left D-pad left D-pad left
D-pad right D-pad right D-pad right D-pad right D-pad right
D-pad up D-pad up D-pad up D-pad up D-pad up
D-pad down D-pad down D-pad down D-pad down D-pad down
25 - Game Specific 1 Guide