Intended Audience
This manual is designed to assist network managers and system managers
in solving problems with the Gateway-ST as managed from an OpenVMS
operating system. Readers of this manual must have a working knowledge of
the Digital and IBM systems they will be using.
Document Structure
This document has the following chapters:
• Chapter 1, Solving DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport
This chapter is divided into four sections. Each section discusses a certain
category of problems:
Section 1.1, Hardware Problems
Section 1.2, Initialization Problems
Section 1.3, DECnet Problems
Section 1.4, Session Problems
Each section begins by listing the problems covered in that section. Check
the list to find a problem similar to your own.
• Chapter 2, Using Loopback Tests, describes loopback tests.
• Chapter 3, Traces, describes the different types of Gateway Management
and IBM traces.
• Chapter 4, Up-Line Dumps, explains the procedure that is performed to
obtain an up-line dump.
• Chapter 5, Reporting Your Problems, describes how to report problems you
cannot solve.
• Appendix A, Interpreting System Messages, gives information about error
messages and event messages. For error messages that relate to specific
DECnet SNA access routines, refer to the documentation for that access
routine. For more complete information about event messages, refer to
DECnet SNA Gateway-CT and ST Management.
• Appendix B, Log File of a Gateway Load, presents a log file of an actual
Gateway-ST load.