Release Note
Theater Management Software [R33051400]
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Barco NV
Noordlaan 5
8520 Kuurne, Belgium
External disk status
Clear completed effect
Clear button effect
Inform the TMS user that KDMs are under analyse
Message if a TMS cannot start all services
FTP time out value, for slow FTP, now in registry
Do not display error pop-up for unexpected errors anymore
Boot: check SQL server state before starting other services.
Job panel: long job list is difficult to manage (sort on columns have been added)
Start ingest of a lot of keys: long time before window's closed
2.2.2 Software defect fixes
520: Selected filter doesn't not appears in gray
577: Very slow ftp lib may not be successfully managed by the TMS.
590: Delete a file manually on the library
603: Scroll bar of the document list
608: Failed to launch job wrong msg
609: When adding a library, 30sec is needed to see this lib
610: When changing configuration of a lib, 5min is needed for the lib to be usable
612: Ingest 2 CPLs to the lib at the same time
617: corePatch and Universal Setup
620: Impossible to patch a TMS with the same patch
621: Impossible to patch a TMS with the same update package
623: French plugin installation logged as dutch plugin instead of French
630: No PKL/Assemet on the path of the library
633: Vertical Scroll bar in the Content Browser doesn't work
645: Delete content from lib. No rubbish bin icon (delete in progress)
646: Ingest content from lib. No arrow icon (ingest in progress), in clip list (lib selected)
649: When a content id not ingested because corrupted (invalid has code), not comprehensive
message is displayed to the user.
655: TMS Documents source is not available
656: Update from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1 doesn't work
657: Lib removed unexpectedly
659: Content.TMS service memory leak
660: Scroll bar of the document visualizer
661: Scroll bar of the Key Ingest panel
663: All services cannot be started at boot
666: Duplicated automatic transfer when restart
667: Kdm not correctly dispatch
669: Perf problem because of refresh of SMS, Catcher
670: Cpl ingested to library but not visible
671: The list of job can be partial
676: When transferring a lot of content, it happens that some jobs are blocked
679: Screens panel down
681: Keys ingest to Solo may fail if a lot of keys are managed by TMS.
701: Wrong value type in registry
702: Security patch is not up-to-date