Polycom PowerCam
Product Reference Guide
November, 2003
Polycom Channel Confidential Rev. date 10-November-2003 Subject to change without notice Page: 5 of 6
3. Ordering/Configurations
PowerCam can be ordered in packages specific for VS4000, ViewStation FX or iPower 9000 Series. Note that these
are auxiliary camera kits, and ship with 50 ft cables.
PowerCam for VS4000 PowerCam for ViewStation FX PowerCam for iPower 9000
Components • PowerCam camera
• Breakout adapter
• 50 ft (15 m) video cable
and 50 ft control cable
for VS4000
• Flat-mount base
• Power supply
• PowerCam camera
• Breakout adapter
• 50 ft (15 m) video/control cable
for ViewStation FX
• Flat-mount base
• Power supply
• PowerCam camera
• Breakout adapter
• 50 ft (15 m) video cable and
50 ft control cable for iPower
9000 Series
• Flat-mount base
• Power supply
Part number NTSC: 8200-51095-001
PAL: 8200-51096-001
NTSC: 8200-51097-001
PAL: 8200-51098-001
NTSC: 8200-21387-001
PAL: 8200-21388-001
Each package (NTSC or PAL) includes power cables for the countries in which Polycom ships NTSC or PAL
Note: IR signals are not passed through above cabling configurations. When these kits are installed as main
camera (or camera one), a separate IR receiver must be used.
4. Frequently Asked Questions
Q Can I use a PowerCam with iPower 900 or iPower 600 systems?
A iPower 900 systems do not support PowerCam as auxiliary camera, and iPower 600 does not support
PowerCam as an alternate main camera. For both these systems, the additional camera must be model 70 or
model 80 cameras.
Q Can I use a PowerCam with a VSX or ViewStation SP/128/323/MP/EX system?
A VSX and ViewStation SP/128/323/MP/EX systems don’t support auxiliary (aka second PTZ) cameras, therefore
PowerCam is not supported. In systems with additional video input (such as document camera input), video
from PowerCam can be fed into conference, but no PTZ control will be available.
Q My customer received an iPower 9400 with PowerCam as main camera, but the cabling does not match what is
described in this document. Why is that?
A The kits described in this document are “auxiliary camera” kits (aka second PTZ camera). This means that 50
ft cabling is included with all packages so that our customers have flexibility on where to place their auxiliary
camera in the room. On an iPower 9400, the PowerCam ships as a main camera with a 10 ft (3 m) cable.
While the 10 ft cable offers less camera position flexibility than a 50 ft cable would, it is more adequate for a
main camera, with no need for separate power adapter and no need for separate IR receiver.