Roche cobas infinity live view User manual

User manual

Roche cobas infinity live view empowers users to track lab status and performance at a glance through clear and informative dashboards and widgets. View real-time data and receive instant notifications about critical lab events, enabling proactive decision-making and rapid response to changing lab dynamics. Optimize lab operations, improve turnaround times, and ensure the highest level of patient care with Roche cobas infinity live view.

Roche cobas infinity live view empowers users to track lab status and performance at a glance through clear and informative dashboards and widgets. View real-time data and receive instant notifications about critical lab events, enabling proactive decision-making and rapid response to changing lab dynamics. Optimize lab operations, improve turnaround times, and ensure the highest level of patient care with Roche cobas infinity live view.

infinity live view
User Guide Version 4.2 for cobas
infinity IT solutions
Software version 2.1
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Publication information
Edition notice This publication is intended for operators of the
infinity live view application.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all the
information contained in this publication is correct at the
time of publishing. However, the manufacturer of this
product may need to update the publication information
as output of product surveillance activities, leading to a
new version of this publication.
Where to find information The User Guide contains all information about the
product, including the following:
Routine operation
Configuration information
Background information
The User Assistance contains the same information as
the User Guide plus information about the setup and use
of the User Assistance.
General attention
To avoid incorrect results, ensure that you are familiar
with the instructions and safety information.
r Pay particular attention to all safety notices.
r Always follow the instructions in this publication.
r Do not use the software in a way that is not described
in this publication.
r Store all publications in a safe and easily retrievable
Training Do not carry out operation tasks or maintenance actions
unless you have received training from Roche
Diagnostics. Leave tasks that are not described in the
user documentation to trained Roche Service
Software version Revision date Change description
2.0 2.0.0 April 2015
First version for cobas
infinity IT solutions
3.0 2.0.2 January 2016 u What is new in publication version 3.0 (11)
4.0 2.1.0 August 2016 u What is new in publication version 4.0 (11)
4.1 2.1.0 September 2016 Minor changes
4.2 2.1.0 June 2017 New version due to incorrect versioning. No changes added in
the manual.
y Revision history
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Screenshots The screenshots in this publication have been added
exclusively for illustration purposes. Configurable and
variable data, such as tests, results, or path names visible
therein must not be used for laboratory purposes.
Warranty Any customer modification to the system renders the
warranty or service agreement null and void.
For conditions of warranty, contact your local sales
representative or refer to your warranty contract partner.
Always leave software updates to a Roche Service
representative or perform such updates with their
Copyright © 2014-2017, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. All rights
License information
The cobas
infinity live view application is protected by
contract law, copyright law, and international treaties.
infinity live view contains a user license
between F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. and a license holder,
and only authorized users may access the software and
use it. Unauthorized use and distribution may result in
civil and criminal penalties.
Open Source and Commercial Software
infinity live view may include components or
applications of commercial or open-source software. For
further information on the intellectual property and other
warnings, as well as licenses pertaining to the software
programs included in cobas
infinity live view, refer to
the electronic distribution included with this product.
This open source and commercial software and
infinity live view as a whole can constitute a
device regulated in accordance with applicable law. For
more detailed information, refer to the user manual and
Please note that the respective authorization is no longer
valid according to the corresponding legislation should
any unauthorized changes be made to
infinity live view.
Trademarks The following trademarks are acknowledged:
trademarks of Roche.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Feedback Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication
fulfills the intended use. All feedback on any aspect of
this publication is welcome and is considered during
updates. Contact your Roche representative, should you
have any such feedback.
Contact address
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Sandhofer Strasse 116
68305 Mannheim
Made in Spain
Distributed in USA by:
Roche Diagnostics
9115 Hague Road
Indianapolis, Indiana
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Table of contents 7
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Table of contents
Publication information 2
Contact address 4
Table of contents 7
Intended use 9
Symbols and abbreviations 9
Safety classifications 10
What is new in publication version 2.0 11
What is new in publication version 3.0 11
What is new in publication version 4.0 11
Working with the application
5 Using the application
Overview 19
Routine tasks 21
6 Configuring the application
Basic settings 35
Configuring dashboards 43
Configuring widgets 47
Widget settings 51
7 Glossary
Index 59
8 Table of contents
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Intended use
infinity live view displays and automatically
updates dashboards on monitors based on information
provided by data sources. cobas
infinity live view
allows users to define and edit dashboards by selecting
predefined units of information.
It is not intended for making decisions regarding patient
treatment and health.
Symbols and abbreviations
Product names Except where the context clearly indicated otherwise, the
following product names and abbreviations are used.
Symbols used in the publication
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used.
Product name Descriptor
infinity live view
infinity IT solutions
data source
y Product names
Symbol Explanation
o List item
u Related topics containing further information
Tip. Extra information on correct use or useful
r Start of a task
I Extra information within a task
f Result of an action within a task.
c Frequency of a task.
n Duration of a task.
d Materials that are required for a task.
j Prerequisites of a task.
u Topic. Used in cross-references to topics.
p Task. Used in cross-references to tasks.
Figure. Used in figure titles and cross-
references to figures.
Table. Used in table titles and cross-references
to tables.
Equation. Used in cross-references to
Code example. Used in code titles and cross-
references to codes.
y Symbols used in the publication
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Safety classifications
The safety precautions and important user notes are
classified according to the ANSI Z535.6 standard.
Familiarize yourself with the following meanings and
Safety alert
r The safety alert symbol is used to alert you to potential
physical injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that
follow this symbol to avoid possible damage to the
system, injury, or death.
These symbols and signal words are used for specific
r ...indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
r ...indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury.
r ...indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
may result in damage to the system.
Important information that is not safety relevant is
indicated with the following icon:
Abbreviation Definition
ANSI American National Standards
EC European Community
IVD In vitro diagnostic
n/a Not applicable
OTSS Off-the-Shelf software
y Abbreviations
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
q Tip...
...indicates additional information on correct use or useful
What is new in publication version 2.0
New layout and structure Due to customer feedback, we have updated the layout
and the structure of this publication to help you find
information easier and perform tasks more quickly.
New screenshots We have included new screenshots to make the tasks
easier to follow. Screenshots from the previous version
have been updated.
Widgets update We have updated the information related to widgets to
reflect the improvements implemented in the application.
u Viewing widgets (28)
u Widget settings (51)
User management Access to the application requires logging on with a user
ID and password. Users can have different rights
depending on the group they belong to.
u Managing users (39)
u Managing user groups (36)
What is new in publication version 3.0
New user interface design All screenshots have been replaced to match the new
user interface design in the application.
What is new in publication version 4.0
System requirements The system requirements have been updated.
u System requirements (20)
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Connection status widget The widget has now a different look and feel.
If the widget is configured with a one-cell height, you can
decide if you want to see the summary of all connections
or a detailed list with all systems that have an inactive
u About the Connection status widget (29)
u Settings of connection widgets (52)
Current TAT overview widget The widget can now be configured to show all available
data or to monitor a specified time period from 1 hour to
up to 7 days.
u About the Current TAT overview widget (30)
u List of specific widget settings (53)
Overdue requests widget The widget can be configured to show all available data
or to monitor a specified time period from 1 hour to up to
7 days.
Several new columns are available. They can be
configured to be displayed or not.
u About the Overdue requests widget (31)
u List of specific widget settings (53)
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Working with the application
5 Using the application ............................................................................................ 17
6 Configuring the application................................................................................ 33
5 Using the application
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Table of contents
Using the application 5
The cobas
infinity live view application displays useful
information about your center, in a configurable interface.
In this chapter
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Who uses this application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Routine tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Accessing the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Starting the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Logging on to the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Logging off the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Changing the password. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Accessing a dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Accessing a dashboard from the home
screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Accessing a dashboard via its URL . . . . . . . . . 27
Viewing widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Viewing widget information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
About the Connection status widget . . . . . . . . 29
About the Current TAT overview widget . . . . . 30
About the Overdue requests widget . . . . . . . . 31
Consulting the application version. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5 Using the application
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Table of contents
5 Using the application
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
Using the application 19
The cobas
infinity live view application displays each
set of information in a configurable panel called a widget.
The required widgets are integrated in a configurable
display called a dashboard.
w Dashboard with 3 widgets
You can choose the widgets which are most appropriate
to your requirements. The available widgets depend on
the system providing the data.
u Widget settings (51)
In this section
Who uses this application (20)
System requirements (20)
5 Using the application
Roche Diagnostics
cobas infinity live view · Software version 2.1 · User Guide · Version 4.2
20 Overview
Who uses this application
You can create customized dashboards for specific users.
Laboratory technician Immediately sees if any special tasks are required, such
as investigating a workflow bottleneck or calling a ward
about a critical result.
Laboratory supervisor Gets a real-time overview of the laboratory to be able to
act upon specific notifications in a timely manner, such as
overdue samples or bottlenecks in the turnaround time.
Laboratory manager Checks a summary dashboard to get an overview of
laboratory operations while taking care of different tasks
System requirements
The cobas
infinity live view application consists of a
service running on a web server on Microsoft Windows
Server 2008.
On the client side, the application supports these systems
and browsers:
On desktops with the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 10 and 11 (not recommended)
Firefox 31 and 40
Google Chrome 38, 44, and 50
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Roche cobas infinity live view User manual

User manual

Roche cobas infinity live view empowers users to track lab status and performance at a glance through clear and informative dashboards and widgets. View real-time data and receive instant notifications about critical lab events, enabling proactive decision-making and rapid response to changing lab dynamics. Optimize lab operations, improve turnaround times, and ensure the highest level of patient care with Roche cobas infinity live view.

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