Jenn-Air CVE3400, CCE3450 User guide

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Use and Care Manual
Halogen, Induction &
Radiant Cooktops
Models CCE3400, CCE3450,
CCE3530 & CVE3400
Model CCE3400
Read before operating your cooktop
All appliances -regardless of the manufacturer -have the potential
throughimproperor careless useto create safetyproblems. Therefore
the followingsafety precautionsshouldbe observed:
1. Be sure your appliance is properly installedand grounded by a
2.Never use your appliancefor warming orheatingthe room.
3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in area where
applianceis inuse or stillhot. They shouldnever be allowedto sit
or stand on any partof the appliance,
4. Wear proper apparel, Loose-fittingor hanging garments should
never be worn while usingthe appliance.
5. Do notrepairorreplaceany partofthe applianceunlessspecifically
recommendedinthismanual. Allotherservicingshouldbe referred
to an authorizedJenn-Air Service Contractor.
6. Flammable materialsshould not be storednear surface units.
7. Do notuse water on grease fires. Smotherfire orflame or use dry
chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
8. Useonlydry potholders.Moistordamppotholderson hotsurfaces
may result in bums from steam. Do not let potholdertouch hot
heating elements.Do not use a towel or other bulkycloth.
9. Use proper pan size.Many appliances are equippedwith one or
more surface unitsofdifferentsize. Select cookware having flat
bottoms large enough to coverthe surface unit heating element.
The useofundersizedcookwarewillexposea portionoftheheating
element to direct contact and may result in ignitionofclothing.
Proper relationshipofcookwareto heating element will also im-
prove efficiencyand performance.
10.Never leave surface units unattendedat high heat settings.Boil
over causes smokingand greasy spilloversthat may ignite.
11. Glazed cookware - only certain types of glass, glass-ceramic,
ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed cookpotsare suitable for
cooktop surface without breaking due to the sudden change in
temperature. Use only such cookware as you know has been
approvedfor this purpose.
12. Cookwarehandles shouldbeturned inwardand not extend over
adjacent surface heating elements to avoid bums, ignition of
flammablematerialsand spillagedueto unintentionalcontactwith
13. CAUTION- Do not store items ofinterestto childrenin cabinets
above a cooktop- childrenclimbingonthe cooktopto reach items
14. Do nottouchsurface unitsor areas nearunits. Surface units may
be hoteventhoughtheyare darkincolor. Areas near surface units
may becomehotenoughto cause bums.Duringand after use, do
nottouchor letclothingorotherflammable materialscontactthese
areas untilthey have had sufficienttime to cool.
15. Do not cook on glass-ceramiccooking surface ifthe cooktop is
broken. Cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate the
brokencooktopand createa shockhazard. Contactan authorized
Jenn-Air ServiceContractor.
16. Clean glass-ceramiccooktopswithcaution. Ifwetsponge or cloth
is used to wipe spillson a hot cookingarea, becareful to avoid
steam bums. Somecleansers can produce noxious fumes if
appliedto a hot surface.
17. Do not operatewith damaged cookingelement after any product
malfunctionuntilproper repair has been made.
18. Keep allswitches"OFF"when unitis not in use.
19. Clean onlypartslistedinthis manual and useprocedures recom-
20. Do not use aluminumfoil orfoil containerson the cooktop.These
may become very hot.
21. Thisappliancehas beentestedforsafe performanceusingconven-
tionalcookware. Donotuseanydevicesoraccessoriesthatarenot
specificallyrecommendedinthismanual. Do notuseeyelidcovers
for the surface units or stovetop grills. The use of devices or
accessoriesthat are not expressly recommended in this manual
can create serioussafety hazards,resultinperformance problems,
and reducethe life ofthecomponentsofthe appliance.
Congratulationson your choiceofa Jenn-Air electric cooktop. The
cookingareas are identified by circles on the glass-ceramic cooktop.
This chart belowdescribesthe differences between models.
Cooktop Model # Type of Elements Downdraft
30"- 4 elementsCCE3400 3 radiant& I dualradiant no
CCE3450 2 induction&2 radiant no
CVE3400 3 radiant& I dualradiant yes
36"- 5 elementslCCE3530 3 radiant,I dualradiant& no
1 halogen
Before you begin cookingwith your new cooktop, please take a few
minutesto read and become familiarwith the instructionsin thisbook.
Should you have any questions about using your Jenn-Air electric
cooktop,writeto us.Be sure to providethe model number.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
P.O.Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
AboutYour Cooktop......................................................................4
Before You Call for Service ................................................... 18-19
Cleaning...................................................................................... 16
Ducting........................................................................................ 15
InductionCooking Procedures................................................... 13
InductionCookware.................................................................... 12
Important Information.................................................................. 17
Radiant & Halogen Cooking Procedures .............................. 10-11
Radiant& Halogen Cookware ................................................... 8-9
Safety Precautions..................................................................... 2-3
Surface Controls........................................................................ 6-7
VentilationSystem ...................................................................... 14
1. Left rear dualelement
2. Leftfront element '_
3. Rightfrontelement ._.
4.Rightrear element ._,,
$. Center rear heating
(ModelCCE3530 only) -_.
The controlsare a push-turntype. To tum on the 3 Lo
radiant and halogen elements, push down and 5_ _Hi
turnineitherdirection.Toturnonthedualradiant /
element,turn clockwisefrom OFF to controlthe 7[\"
large elementand counterclockwisefrom OFF to P
controlthesmallelement.Totumonthe induction 9_'13
elements, pushdown and turn clockwiseto de-
siredsetting. _o_ o
When the controlis in any position,other than
OFF, it may be turnedwithoutpushingdown. DualElementControl
Models CCE3450 & CVE3400 -Aredindicatorlightwillglowwhenanelementistumed
ON. There isa lightfor eachelement.
Models CCE3400 & CCE3530 - When the controlknobsare in theOFF position,the
onlysettingvisibleis OFF. When the controlknobis turned ON, the ringaroundthe
controlknobwill glowand all othercontrolsettingswill be shown.
The cooktophas Hot Surface Lightsto indicatewhen each radiant and/or halogen
elementcookingarea ishot.The redlightwillremainon untilthe area hascooled.The
inductionelementsdo nothave a Hot Surface IndicatorLight.
Whenthe inductionelementsare ON, acoolingfan willoperate. The coolingfan does
notoperatewiththe radiantand halogenelements.
Thesize andtypeofcookwareusedandtheamountandtype offoodbeingcookedwill
influencethe settingneededfor bestcookingresults. Electricallinevoltagemay also
a guidewhileyou becomefamiliarwithyourcooktop.
Hi Afast heatto startcookingquickly,to bringliquidstoa boilor blanch.
7-'10 (MediumHigh)For fastfryingorbrowningfoods,to maintain rapidboiloflarge
amountsof food.
5-6 (Medium)Forfoodscookedina doubleboiler,saut6ing,slowboiloflargeamounts
offood,and mostfrying.
3-4 (MediumLo)Tostew,steam,simmer;,tocontinuecookingfoodsstartedonhigher
LO-2 Maintainingservingtemperaturesof foods,simmeringfoods, meltingbutteror
Thecontrolsofferflexibilityin settingselection.On settingsotherthan Hi, you may
adjustthecontrolsaboveor belowthe numberedsetting forbest results. Suggested
settingsare providedas generalguidelines.
To achieve optimumcookingperformance,use heavy gauge, flat, smooth bottom
cookpotsthat conform to the diameter of the cookingarea. Proper cookpotswill
minimizecookingtimes, use less electricity,cookfood more evenlyand requireless
wateror oil.
Cookpotswiththin,unevenbottomsdo notadequatelyconductheat fromthe cooking
areato the foodinthe cookpotswhichresultsin hotspots,bumedorunderdonefood.
Usingbad cookpotsalso requiresmorewater, time and energyto cookfood.
Select heavy gauge cookpots. Usuallyheavy gaugecookpotswill notchange
shape when heated.
Usecookpots with flat, smooth bottoms. The twowaystodetermineifcookpots
haveaflat, smoothbottomare the rulertest and the cookingtest.
Ruler Test:
1.Place the edge of a ruler acrossthe bottomofthe pot.
2.Holdup to the light,
3.No lightshouldbe visibleunderthe ruler.
Cooking Test: _
1.Put 1 inchof water intothe cookpot. I., ,,,,,,,,,
2.Place cookpoton the cookingarea. Tum
controlto the Hi setting.
3.Observethe bubbleformationto determine
the heat distribution.If the bubbles are
uniformacross the cookpot,thecookpot
willperformsatisfactorily.Ifthe bubblesare
Match the size of the cookpot to the size of the element. Ideally,the cookpot
willbe the samesize orslightlylarger. 1
optimum results. ModelAO142 wokhasa nonstick
finish, wood handles, cover, steaming rack, rice
paddles,cookingtips and recipes.
Donot usecookwarathatextendsmorethan1inchbeyondtheedgeofthecooking
Donotuseasmallcookpotonalargeelement.Notonlycan thiscausetheelement
to requiremoreenergyandtime,butitcanalso resultinspilloversburningontothe
elementwhichcause extraeffortin cleaning.
Do not use nonflatspecialtyitemsthat areoversized,uneven ordo not meet
proper cookware specificationssuch as roundbottomwoks with rings, rippled
bottomcanners, and oversized or non-fiatbottomlobsterpots, largepressure
cannersand griddles,etc.
Testcastironwaresinceallarenotflat. Alsobe cautionedagainstpossible"impact
damage"shouldtheheavycookpotbe droppedon the glass-ceramicsurface.
Acceptablecanningpotsshouldnotbe oversizedand musthavea flatbottom. When
cannersdonotmeetthesestandards,theuse oftheHisettingbecomesexcessiveand
may resultin damageto the cooktop. In addition,water may not cometo a bolland
cannersmay notreach 10 Ibs.of pressure.
The acceptablecanningprocedureusesthe Hi settingjust longenoughto bringthe
water to a boil,then lowerthe settingto maintainthe water temperature.
Heavy gaugecookpotswith fiat, smooth bottomswill usuallywork in a similarway.
However,therearesomedifferencesinthe cookingperformanceofvariousmaterials.
Aluminum cookpotsheat quicklyandevenly. Bestsuitedforsimmering,braising,
Note: Aluminumcookpotswillcausemetalmarksonthe glass-ceramicsurface if
youslidethem acrossthecool(top. Removemetal marksimmediately.
Stainless steel cookpotswill evenly distributeheat if constructedof tri-ply or
combined with other metals such as aluminum andcopper. Useforcooking
functionssimilarto aluminum.
Cast iron cookpotsare slowto heat but cook moreevenly once temperatureis
reached. Usefor longterm lowheat cookingor for browningand frying.
Porcelain enamel-on-steel or porcelain enamel-on-cast ironshould be used
accordingto manufacturer'sdirections. Do notallowto boildry.
Glass-ceramic,earthenware, heatprcofglassorglazedcookpotsmayscratchthe
glass-ceramiccooktopand thereforeare not recommended.
Note Halogen element: Aluminumcookpotsmay causetheelementto cycleeven
whenthe controlsettingisHi.
Thecookingareas areidentifiedby circleson the glass-ceramiccooktop. When an
elementisturnedON, the cooktopwillheatupandthe redglowofthe heatingelement
can beseen throughthe glass-ceramictop.It is normalto see the red glowofthe
elementwheneverit isON.
For best results,always use recommendedcookware.
Makesurebottomofcookwareiscleanbefore placingon cooktop.
Coveringpans, wheneverpossible,speedscookingand is moreenergyefficient.
This isespeciallyimportantwhencookinglarge quantitiesof foods.
havebeenturnedoff. Putthis retainedheatto gooduse. Turnthe elementsoffa
the cooking.Becauseof this heat retentioncharacteristic,the elements will not
boilover,removethe cookpotfromthe cookingarea.
When preparingfoodswhichcan be easily scorchedorovercooked,start cooking
at a lowersettingand graduallyincreasesettingas needed.
A lowersettingcan be usedwhencookingsmallquantitiesoffoodsorwhen using
a cookpotthatconductsheat quickly.
A highersettingthannormalmaybe necessarywhenusingcookpotsmadewitha
materialthat isslowto conductheat, such as cast iron.
Do notusewiretrivets,firerings,pads or anysuchitembetweenthe cookware
and the element.
Do notcookfoodsdirectlyon cooktop.
Do notallow panto boildryas thiscoulddamage the cooktopand the pan.
Do not slide heavy metal or glass cookpotsacross surfacesincethese may
scratchthe surface.
Do notuseor placeplasticitemsanywhereon cooktop.
• Donotallowplasticobjects,sugar,orfoodswithhighsugarcontenttomeltontothe
hotcooktop.Meltedmaterialscancausepermanentdamagetothecooktop. Ifyou
accidentallymeltanythingontothecooktop,orasugarysolutionboilsover, remove
itimmediatelywhilethecooktopisstillhot. Carefully,usea singleedge razorblade
heldwitha potholderto scrapethemeltedmaterialor sugaryboiloverto acooler
carefulnotto bumyourself. When the elementhascooled,usetherazorbladeto
scrapeofftheremainingsoiland cleanas youwouldfor heavyspills. (See p. 16.)
Do notusealuminumfoilorfoil-typecontainersunderanycircumstances.Alumi-
numfoilwilldamagethecooktopifitmeltsontotheglass. Ifmetalmeltsoncooktop,
do notuse. Call an authorizedJenn-AirServiceContractor.
Do notusetheglass-ceramiccooktopas a cuttingboard.
Do NOTuseabrasivecleansingpowdersorscouringpads(includingmetalscouring
pads),whichwillscratchthe cooktop.
Do NOT use chlorine bleach, ammonia, rust removers,oven cleaners, or other
cleansernotspecificallyrecommendedfor useon glass-ceramic.
Make surebottomsofcookpotsare alwayscleanand dry. (Soilfromthe cookpot
bottomcanbetransferredtothe cooktopsurface.) Beforeusingcookpotsonthe
glass-ceramiccooktopfor thefirst time, and periodicallyas needed, clean the
bottomswithscouringpads or othercleansers.Rinse and drythoroughly.
Makeita practiceto wipecooktopsurfacewithaclean dampclothor papertowel
beforeeachuse; drythoroughly.Invisiblespatters,dustspecks,cleansersorwater
can causestainsthatappearafter unitisheated. A spongeordishclothwhichis
surface after areais heated.
When frying,use a spattershieldto reducespattering.
Usecorrectcontrolsettingsandcookwarelargeenoughto holdfood andliquidto
preventboiloversand spattering.
it ishotto preventa toughcleaningchorelater.Usingextremecare, wipewitha
cleandamptowel. Becarefultoavoidbumsfromsteamorhandstouchingthe hot
Whenchoosingcookwareforthe inductionelements,considerthematerial,gauge,and
size ofthecookware.Note: Cookware does NOT haveto be flat for optimum
performanceon the inductionelements.
The cookwareMUST be made of a ferromagneticmaterialin orderto work on the
inductioncooktop.To determineif amaterial is magnetic,test the bottom ofthe
cookwarewitha magnet. Ifthe magnetsticksto theoutsidebottomofthe cookware,
thecookwarewillworkon yourinductionelement.
Examplesof magneticmaterialare:
porcelainon steel;
porcelainon cast-iron;
• tri-plystainlesssteel.
Examplesofnonferromagneticmaterials,whichdoNOT workontheinductionelements
copperor copperclad;
porcelainon aluminum;
Cookwarecomesin a varietyofgaugethicknesses.Thingaugepotswillperformwell
in bringingwater to aboil quickly,simmering,and stewing.Heavier gauge skillets
providea better overallbrowningpattem.
CookpotsMUST beat least4 or moreinchesin diameterin order to work on the
Forbetterbrowningwhenpan-frying,matchthe bottomdiameterofthe skilletwith
thesize of the cookingarea.
UseJenn-Air'sflat bottomwok (ModelAO142) for
optimumresults.ModelAO142wokhasa nonstick
finish,wood handles, cover, steamingrack, dce_
paddles,cookingtipsand recipes.12
An inductioncooktoprespondslikea gascooktop,quickto heat and instantresponse
when tumed off. The cookingareas are identifiedby circles on theglass-ceramic
cooktop. When an element isturnedON, theinductioncoilslocatedundertheglass
createa magneticfield. When a ferromagneticpotat least4"in diameterisplacedon
the element,thepot gets hot.
• Placethecookpotonthe cookingarea beforeturningon the controls.
Since inductioncookingis fast, startcookingat the recommendedsetting. For
instancewhenpanfrying,startcookingatamediumsetting. Donotpreheataskillet
at a highersetting. Sincetheskilletbeginsto heatimmediatelywithinduction,food
couldbeburnedbeforethe controlsettingwas lowered.
If a foodstartsto boilover,reducethe controlsetting. The inductionelementswill
Do NOT use coppercookware.
Do NOT allowpotsto boildry.
Do NOT heat an emptyskillet.
Slowlyheat and cool porcelainpots. Rapidchangesintemperaturemay cause
crazingof the porcelainfinish.
Eachinductioncookingarea hasa potsensorwhichwillcausea "beep-beep"to come
on when:
nocookpotissittingonthe cookingarea whichwas turned on.
element was fumed on and cookpotis made from a nonmagneticmatedal (see
cookwaresectionfor examples).
cookpotis removedfromthe elementwithouttumingoffthe control.
size of the cookpotis lessthan 4 inchesindiameter andcontrolwas turnedon.
The built-inventilationsystemremovescookingvapors,odors,smokeand steamfrom
foods prepared on thecooktop.Regular use of this system will insure a more
comfortableandlesshumidkitchenwhichisfree ofheavycookingodorsandfumesthat
normallycreate a frequentneed for cleaningand redecorating.
• Thefancontrolis located atthefront ofthecontrolpanelTo operate theventilation
system manually, turn the fan controlknob clockwise. Thevariable speed fan can
be operated atan infinitenumberofsettings.
Besides using the ventilationsystem toremove cooking vapors and fumes,itcan
beusedto coolbaked pies,cakes orhotpans. To cool an _em,setiton theair grille
andturnonthefan.The airbeingpulledovertheitemwillquicklycoolit.Becareful
notto coverthe entire air grille.
The fan can be usedto removestrongodorsfrom the kitchenas whenchopping
onionsnearthe fan.
Air Grille
becleanedinthedishwasher. Filter
Turn offventilationsystem beforeremoving.Thefilterisa
Ventilation Chamber
Jenn-Air'sventilationsystemis designedto captureboth cookingfumes,smokeand
steam.Ifthesystemdoesnot,thesearesome ductinginstallationsituationstocheck:
• 6"diameterroundor 3¼" x 10"rectangularductingshouldbeused.Note: 5"
diameterroundductingmay be used ifthe ductlengthis 10' or less.
No morethanthree90° elbowsshouldbeused. Distancebetweenelbowsshould
beat least 18".
RecommendedJenn-Airwall cap shouldbe used. Makesure damper moves
freelywhenventilationsystemis operating.
Thereshouldbe a minimumclearanceof6"forcooktopinstalledneara sidewall.
Ifthere is notan obviousimproperinstallation,there may be a concealed problem
suchasa pinchedjoint,obstructioninthe pipe,etc. Installationisthe responsibilityof
theinstallerand questionsshouldbe addressedfirst by theinstaller. Theinstaller
CAUTION: Do NOT use a cooktopcleaner on ahot cooktop. The fumes can be]
hazardousto yourhealth and can chemicallyattack the glass-ceramic/
surface. /
NOTE: Plasticobjects,sugaror foodswithhighsugarcontentallowedto meltonto
the cooktopcancause damage. Seepage 11 for cleaninginstructions.
• Forgeneraldailycleaningandlightsurfacesoil,useacleandishclothorpapertowel
and washsurface withsolutionofwater and any ofthese cleansers:dishwashing
liquidsuchas IvoryorJoy, bakingsoda,fine polishingpowderssuchas BonAmi,
orcommemialceramiccooktopcleanserssuchas CooktopCleaningCreme (Part
No.20000001). Wipe with clean damp cloth or paper towel. Rinse and dry
To removeresiduefrombumedonspills,makeapasteof water and bakingsoda
cleansers,such as CooktopCleaningCreme (Part No. 20000001). Scrub with
papertowels,nylonorplasticscrubber,suchas Tuffy. Rinseand drythoroughly.
If stainisnotremovedeasily,allowpasteto remainonsurfacefor30 to40 minutes.
Keepmoistby coveringwithwet paper towelor plasticwrap.
To removeburnton spot, use a singleedge razor blade. Place blade edge on
cooktopat 30° angle; scrape off spot.Clean remainder of soil with method
To removeknobs,turnto the OFF position. Pulleach knobstraightupfromthe shaft.
Wash knobs in warm soapy water or dishwasher;do not use abrasive cleaners or
materials.To replaceeachknob,matchflat part ofknobopeningwiththespdngonthe
flat part ofthe shaft, returningto OFF position.
Model Number
Serial Number
Important; Retain proofofpurchasedocuments for warranty service.
Checkthefollowinglistto besurea servicecallisreallynecessary.A quickreference
ofthis manualmaypreventan unneededservicecall.
If nothing on the cooktop operates:
checkfor a blowncircuitfuse or a trippedmaincircuitbreaker.
check ifcooktopispropedyconnectedtoelectdccircuitin house.
If ¢ooktop elements do not get hot enough:
surfacecontrolsmaynotbe set properly.
voltageto housemaybe low.
• cookwaremaynotbe fiat orthecorrectsizeor shape.
If elements emit a alight odor and/or smoke when first turned on:
thisis normal.
If tiny scratches or abrasions appear on cooktop:
• coarseparticles (i.e. sugar, dust, salt) were between cookware bottoms and
• incorrectcleaningmaterialswere usedto cleancooktop.
glasscookwarewas slidacrossthe cooktop.
• cookwarewitha roughbottomwas used.
If metal-markingsappear on cooktop:
metalcookpotsorutensilswere slidacrossthe cooktop.
If brown streaks and/or areas of discoloration with a metallic sheen
appear on cooktop:
boiloversburnedontothe cooktop.
mineraldepositsfromwater offood burnedontothe cooktop.
• soilfromcool,potbottomwastransferredto the cooktop.
• incorrectcleaningmaterialswere used.
Model CCE3450 Only:
if "beeping"occurs when an induction control has been turned on:
there isno ccokpotsittingonthe cookingarea which wasturned on.
the cookpot is made from a nonmagneticmaterial (see cookware section for
the sizeofthe cookpotislessthat 4"in diameter.
If a "ticking"sound occurswhen an induction element Ison:
Itisnormalto hearaslighttickingsoundwhileusinganinductionelement. Thiscan
be morenoticeablewith certaintypes ofcookware.
Model CCE3450 Only:
If pan frying results are poor:
bottomdiameterofskilletmaybetoo large. (Foodswillonlycookabovethecooking
area whichis indicatedbycirclesonthe glass-ceramic.)
thingaugeskilletstend to havehotspots.
• toohighofcontrolsettingwas selectedinitially,inductionelements produce HOT
Model CVE3400 Only:
If ventilation systemisnot capturing smoke efficiently:
check on crossventilationin roomor make upair,
excessiveamountofsmokeis beingcreated.
cooktopmay beimpropedyinstalled;checkductinginformation.(See p. 15.)
air filtermay beimproperlyinstalled,(See p.14.)