Jenn-Air AR141 User manual

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Use and Care Manual
Radiant Cartridge
Models A122, AR141 Series
Model AR141 Cat. No. CRC122UB
Printed in U.S,A. part No. 8111P185-60
@1995 Jenn-Air
Readbeforeoperatingyour cooktop
Allappliances- regardlessofthemanufacturer-havethepotential
through improper or careless use to create safety problems.
Thereforethefollowing safetyprecautionsshouldbe observed:
1.Neveruseyour appliancefor warmingor heatingthe room.
2. Childrenshouldnotbeleftaloneorunattendedinareawhere
applianceis in use. They should neverbe allowedto sit or
standon any partof theappliance.
3. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments
shouldneverbe wornwhile using theappliance.
4. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless
specificallyrecommendedinthismanual. All otherservicing
5. Flammablematerialsshouldnotbestorednearsurfaceunits.
6. Donotusewaterongreasefires. Smotherfireorflameor use
drychemicalor foam-typeextinguisher.
7. Use onlydry potholders. Moistor damp potholderson hot
surfacesmayresultinburnsfromsteam. Donotletpotholder
touchhotheatingelements. Donotuseatowelorotherbulky
8. Useproperpansize.Manyappliancesareequippedwithone
or more surface units of different size. Select cookware
having flat bottomslargeenough to cover thesurface unit
heating element. The use of undersized cookware will
exposeaportionoftheheatingelementto directcontactand
may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of
cookwareto heatingelementwill alsoimproveefficiencyand
9. Neverleavesurfaceunits unattendedat high heatsettings.
Boi_over causes smoking and greasy spillovers that may
10. Glazedcookware-onlycertaintypesofglass,glass-ceramic,
for cooktop surface without breaking due to the sudden
has beenapprovedfor this purpose.
11.Cookwarehandlesshould beturned inward and not extend
over adjacentsurfaceheatingelementsto avoidburns,igni-
tion offlammablematerialsandspillagedueto unintentional
contactwiththe cookware.
12. Donot soakor immerseremovableheating elements in
13. CAUTION - Do not store items of interest to children in
cabinetsabovecooktop-childrenclimbingon the cooktopto
reachitemscould be seriouslyinjured.
14. Donottouchsurfaceunitsorareasnearunits.Surfaceunits
orheatingelementsmaybe hoteventhoughtheyaredark in
color. Areas nearsurfaceunits may becomehotenoughto
causeburns. Duringandafteruse,donottouchorletclothing
or other flammablematerials contactthese areas untilthey
havehadsufficienttimeto cool.Othersurfacesmaybecome
hot enoughto cause burns - amongthese surfaces is the
15. Do notcookon glass-ceramiccookingsurfaceifthecooktop
is broken. Cleaningsolutionsand spilloversmaypenetrate
thebroken cooktopandcreate ashock hazard. Contactan
16. Cleanglass-ceramiccooktopswithcaution. Ifwetspongeor
cloth isusedto wipe spillson a hotcooking area, becareful
toavoidsteam burns. Somecleanserscan producenoxious
fumesif appliedto ahotsurface.
17. Do not operate with damaged cooking element after any
productmalfunctionuntilproperrepairhas been made.
18. Keepall switches"OFF" when unit is notin use.
CongratulationsonyourchoiceofaJenn-Airradiantcooktopcartridge.Thetwo cooking
areasare identifiedbycirclesontheglass-ceramiccooktop.Whenanelementisturned
the glass-ceramictop. It isnormalto seethe redglowoftheelementwheneveritcycles
on.Theelementwill cycleonand off forallcontrolsettingsexceptHi. However,itmay
also cycleon Hi if impropercookwareis used.
Forbest results,alwaysuserecommendedcookware.
• Differentcookpotsanddifferentamountsoffoodbeingpreparedwillinfluencethe
controlsettingsneededforbestresults.(Seecooktopor rangeuse&caremanual
fortypicalcontrol settings.) Forfastestcooking,startwiththe surfacecontrolon
wheneverpossible,speedscooking and is moreenergyefficient.
• Theglass-ceramiccookingarearetainsheatforaperiodoftimeaftertheelements
havebeenturnedoff.Putthis retainedheatto good use. Turntheelementsoff
a few minutes beforefood is completely cooked and use the retainedheat to
completethecooking. Becauseofthis heatretentioncharacteristic,theelements
will not respondto changes in heatsettings as quicklyascoil elements. Inthe
event of a potentialboil over, removethe cookpotfrom the cookingarea.
Whenpreparingfoodswhichcanbeeasilyscorchedor over-cooked,startcooking
at a lowertemperaturesetting andgraduallyincreasetemperatureasneeded,
A highersettingthannormalmay benecessarywhenusingeookpotsmadewith
materialthat is slow toconductheat, suchascast iron.
A lowersettingcanbe usedwhencookingsmallquantitiesoffoodsorwhenusing
a cookpotthat conductsheat quickly.
• Donot usewiretrivets,fire rings,padsorany suchitembetweenthecookware
andthe element.
Donotcook foods directlyon cooktop.
Donotallowpan to boil dryas this coulddamage the cooktopandthe pan.
Do not slide heavy metal or glass cookpots across surface sincethese may
scratch thesurface.
Donot useor placeplasticitemsanywhereon cooktop.
• Donotusecartridgeintheeventa breakhasoccurred.CallanauthorizedJenn-
Air ServiceContractor.
Select heavygaugecookpots. Usuallyheavygaugecookpotswillnotchange
shapewhen heated.
Use¢ookpots withflat, smooth bottoms. To determineif thecookpot isflat,
placethe edgeof a ruleron the bottom.Holdup tothe light.No lightshouldbe
visiblebetweentheedge oftheruler andthepan. Rejectany pansthat do notfit
flush againstruler'sedge.
Matchthesize ofthe cookpotto thesize ofthe element. Cookpotshouldbe
Do notusecookwarethat extendsmorethan 1inch beyondthecooking area.
Cookwarethat issmaller indiameterthan thecooking area shouldnotbe used.
result in spilloversburning ontothe cookingarea resultingin a cleaningchore.
• Donotusenonflatspecialtyitemsthatareoversized,unevenordonotmeetproper
cookwarespecificationssuch asround bottomwoks with rings,griddles,rippled
bottomcanners,lobsterpots,largepressurecanners,etc. Large utensils,such
aspressurecanners oroversizedskillets,shouldbe usedonlyon conventional
coilcartridgesifthey do notmeet this test.
• Glass-ceramic,earthenware,heatproofglassorglazedcookpotsmayscratchthe
glass-ceramiccooktopandtherefore are not recommended.
• Donotallowplasticobjects,sugar,orfoodswith highsugarcontenttomeltonto
thehotcooktop. Melted materiaJscancause permanent damageto the
boilsover, remove itimmediatelywhilethecooktopisstill hot. Carefully,use
a singleedge razorbladeheldwith a pot holderto scrapethe meltedmaterial
or sugaryboilovertoa coolerarea ofthecooktop. Useseveral layersof paper
towelsto wipe up the spillover,beingcareful notto burnyourself. Whenthe
element hascooled, usethe razorblade to scrape off theremainingsoiland
clean asyouwouldfor heavy spills.
Do not use aluminum foil or foil-type containers under any circumstances.
Aluminumfoilwilldamagethecooktopifit meltsontotheglass. If metalmelts
on cooktop,do notuse. Call an authorizedJenn-AirServiceContractor.
Donot usethe glass-ceramiccooktopas a cuttingboard.
Do NOT use abrasive cleansingpowders or scouring pads (includingmetal
scouring pads),which willscratch thecooktop.
• DoNOTusechlorinebleach,ammonia,rustremovers,ovencleaners,orother
cleansernotspecificallyrecommendedfor use on glass-ceramic.
Neverimmerseyourcooktopcartridgein water.
Test cast ironwaresince all are notflat. Also becautionedagainst possible
"impactdamage"shouldthe heavycookpotbe droppedon theglass-ceramic
UseJenn-Air'sflatbottomwokaccessory \ /
AO142wok has a nonstickfinish, wood
handles,cover,steaming rack,rice
paddles,cookingtips,and recipes.
CAUTION:Do NOT use a cooktop cleaner on a hot cooktop. The fumes can be
hazardousto your health, and can chemically attack the glass-ceramic
Thecartridgedoesnotneedtobe removedfromthecooktopfor normalcleaning.
If removed,bottommaybewipedcleanwithdampcloth.If electricalterminalson
cartridgearecleaned, drythem thoroughlybeforeusing.
Forgeneral dailycleaningand light surfacesoil, usea cleandishclothor paper
towel and wash surface with solution of water and any of these cleansers:
as BonAmi,or commercialceramiccooktopcleanserssuchas CooktopCleaning
Creme(PartNo.20000001). Wipewithcleandampcloth or papertowel. Rinse
and dry thoroughly.
To removeresiduefrom burnedonspills,makea pasteofwaterandbakingsoda
or Bon Ami, Bar Keepers Friend,Comet, Shiny Sinks or nonabrasive soft
scrubbing cleansers,such as CooktopCleaning Creme (Part No.20000001).
Scrubwith papertowels,nylonor plasticscrubber,suchasTufty. Rinseanddry
thoroughly. Ifstainis netremovedeasily,allowpasteto remainonsurfacefor30
to 40 minutes. Keep moistbycovering withwet paper towel.
To removeburnedon spot,usea singleedge razorblade. Placebladeedge on
cooktop at 3angle; scrape off spot. Clean remainderof soil with method
NOTE: Plasticobjects,sugarorfoodswithhighsugarcontentallowedtomelt ontothe]
cooktopcancause damage. See p.6 for cleaninginstructions.
• Makesurebottomsofcookpotsarealwayscleananddry.(Soilfromthecookpot
bottomcanbe transferredto thecooktopsurface.) Beforeusingcookpotsonthe
glass-ceramiccooktopfor the first time, and periodically as needed,clean the
bottomswith scouring padsor othercleansers. Rinseand drythoroughly.
Makeitapracticeto wipecooktopsurfacewitha cleandampcloth orpapertowel
beforeeach use; drythoroughly.Invisiblespatters,dust specks,cleansersor
water can causestainsthat appear after unit is heated. Asponge or dishcloth
which isnotcleanwill leavefilm andsoil ladendetergentwater whichmaycause
stainson surfaceafterarea is heated.
• Whenfrying, usea spattershieldto reducespattering.
• Usecorrectcontrolsettingsandcookwarelargeenoughtoholdfoodandliquidto
preventboiloversand spattering.
If a bad spifloveroccurswhilecooking,spills may be cleanedfrom the cooktop
whileit is hotto preventa toughcleaningchorelater. Usingextremecare,wipe
witha cleandamptowel. Becarefulto avoidburnsfrom steamor handtouching
the hotcooktop. 7
Full One Year Warranty
For one (1) yearfrom the dateof original retail purchase,any part which falls in normal home '
use will be repaired or replaced free of charge.
• After thefirstyear fromthe dateoforiginal retail purchase, through the second year,parts
whichfail in normal home use will be repaired or replaced free ofcharge for the part itself,
with the owner paying all other costs, including labor,when theappliance is locatedin the
United States or Canada.
Afterthe secondyearfrom the dateoforiginal retail purchase, through the fifthyear,glass-
ceramic top duetothermal breakage, radiant,halogen and solidelement failurewhich fail
in normal home usewill berepairedor replaced free ofcharge for thepartitself,with the
owner paying all other costs,including labor,when the appliance islocated inthe United
States or Canada.
Customer Copy -Retain for your records.
The customer hascertainresponsibilitieswhichmustbesatisfied toqualify forcoverageunder
these warranties.
For all products, the owner is responsiblefor providing normal care and maintenance in
accordancewith the Use & Careinstructions, providing proof of purchase on request, proper
installation and making theappliancereasonably accessible for service.Warranties are for
failurein normal homeuse.
Under the full warranty, service must be performed by an Authorized Jenn-Air Service
Contractor. To obtain service, contact thedealer from whom the unit was purchased,an
authorized servicecontractor,or contact Jenn-Air Customer Assistance,c/o Maytag Cus-
tomer Service,P.O. Box 2370, Cleveland, TN 37320-2370, (1-800-688-1100for U.S. and
Ontado or 1-615-472-3333).Pleaseincludemodel number,serialnumber,anddateoforigina_
retailpurchase in allcorrespondence. Servicewill beprovided dudng normalbusiness hours.
All replacement parts assume the unused portion of this warranty.
Limited parts warranty covers costof parts only. Trip charge, transportation and labor costs
aretheresponsibility of the owner.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary
from stateto state.
This warranty covers only thoseappliances installed in Canada that havebeen listed with
Canadian Standards Associationor Canadian GasAssociation unless the appliances are
brought into Canada dueto transfer of residence from the United States to Canada.
Record the following information and retain this entire sheet for your future reference.
Model Number Serial Number Date Purchased